Wednesday, May 6, 2009

MAY 6, 2009

This is a request for both my cancer and non-cancer blog readers. What are the myths that you have/had about cancer? I am going to be taking part in an educational seminar at The Wellness Community about how faith-based communities can assist cancer patients and their caregivers through the cancer journey, and the organizer is starting the seminar out by showing how myths about cancer aren't always true. I started thinking about this, and wondered - what are some of the myths that you have heard about cancer.

Of course, one of my biggies is that cancer doesn't happen to young adults. (Sigh - of course, it does.) Some others:
  • Cancer is a death sentence.
  • Cancer patients all look sickly - bald, grey, ghastly, like death-warmed-over.
  • Chemo means you will go bald.
  • You can't have a normal life while/after your cancer treatment.
Are there others that you have dealt with? Please let me know. I would love to send this off to Jamie, to give him some real-people insight into what myths we can bust at this event.


Carol Urban said...
This didn't happen to me but my SIL is a 17 year colon cancer survivor and she said people she knew/friends stopped calling after she was diagnosed. They must have thought cancer was contagious!
May 6, 2009 at 3:33 PM
Blogger Nancy said...

I was always in the idea that if my family member was to have cancer than it was most likely that other family members were to have it also.
May 8, 2009 at 3:21 PM

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