Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MAY 26, 2009

So, I don't have any new news on the cancer front. Well, I mean, I am working on scheduling my PET scan, colonoscopy, and blood work for July. Not very exciting stuff. Although, apparently, I can take pills for my colonoscopy rather than drinking that stuff, so woo!

I wanted to update you more on the status of what I'm doing for my health. A while back, I blogged about wanting to lose weight, and I had a goal by May. Sadly, I didn't make that gola. The good news is (and here's the Sally Sunshine version that I like to find with everything) I haven't gained anything. Matter of fact, I can honestly say that I probably lost a couple of pounds. Nothing to write home about, but good enough for me.

The real news is that I am working out. While I won't say this is to the level of other people I know (Wanda), I will say that this is significantly more than I have ever done. Right now, I am averaging twice a week, 20-30 minutes per workout. And, I am not just walking on a treadmill. I am working my body on the 
Gazelle (yes, the Tony Little you-can-do-it machine, and the link isn't the exact one we have, but you get the idea), and while I am running/gliding on this dumb-looking machine, I am working my arms. So, I feel like I am working my legs, core, and my arms, plus getting cardio. Woo!

I think for me, this is an accomplishment in that I finally have the drive to work out. I also think this is a shame-filled admission, because it took CANCER to make me have the drive to work out. Why? I don't know. I could always come up with an excuse to avoid working out. I was tired. I had my period. I couldn't find the time. I blah-blah-blah and then some.

Now, though, I can definitely carve out the time to make sure that my body is strong enough to fight off the cancer. And, if it isn't, I will make sure that my body is much better equipped to handle the harsh effects of the chemo. (How's that for realistic optimism?)

Another positive side effect? My kids are watching me work out, and to them, this is totally normal. They are excited about this....Mommy, when's it my turn? Mommy - me? The thing is, your kids want to be like you. I don't think I really got that until recently. Every move you make, every thing you do, every action you take reflects on you and becomes a model for your kids. If you sit on your ass all day, eating Cheetos and watching tv, then your kids are going to see that as the bar they need to reach for. Hmph. If you get up off your butt and do something, your kids will want to emulate you.

My daughter once told my mom that she wanted to be like me, and grow up and have kids and chemo and cancer. Because that's what her Mommy did. And, because she wants to be like me. I am so proud that my daughter and son see me as a role model. It makes me want to be a better person every single day. I want them to see me as a bar, and I want them to reach above and beyond what I have done in my life, so that they can reach new greatness, and raise the bar for their kids.

All this from working out, huh? Yup.

Another very selfish, horrible, self-serving reason I want to work out like a dog? I haven't seen my husband in 6 weeks. I won't see him until August. He's working out in NY almost daily with a trainer. No pressure here, but I don't want to be the big fat blob next to him, wobbling down the aisle looking like a giant pink cupcake. (The gorgeous bridesmaid dresses my futuer sister-in-law picked out for their wedding are a beautiful hot pink color with amazing embroidery and embellishments on them....). I want Levi (and everyone else) to say, WOW! I want Levi's jaw to hit the floor, knock a hole in it, and then bounce back up when he sees me. I want everyone at this wedding to look at Ashley and my brother first (of course), then look at me and say, how the hell did she just beat cancer? She doesn't look sick....and, how the hell does she look so good. :-)

It's a goal. We'll see. Either way, I know I'm doing what's right for my body, and for me. I feel so much better knowing that I am taking these steps toward my future. And, towards my kids' future. What else is there in life?


Jill said...
Good for you!!!
May 27, 2009 at 9:14 AM
Blogger Simply Exquisite said...
Amen to that! I agree..good for you sweetie. You can do it, I know you can kick butt in any way. Mom read it with me and wanted me to say how proud of you she is :)
May 29, 2009 at 8:46 PM


Oh - I wanted to update you on Kim. I had dinner with her on Saturday, along with her wonderful friend (and MY new friend) Erin. She looks fantastic - she's still in a lot of pain from the lung biopsy (the procedure was, um, invasive - 2 inch hole cut in two layers of muscle, moving of the ribcage, etc....) but she's a trooper. We had a wonderful time, and the kids were fabulous! She starts chemo tomorrow, and she'll be on the Oxalipalantin that I was on (no 5FU this time). Here's hoping that she has a better time of it than I did.

The kids and I are going to see her on Sunday for her son's birthday party. I can't wait. I feel this visceral need to make sure she's okay. She has plenty of support and plenty of people to help her out, but I feel like I am having a real impact on her, in that I can relate (somewhat) to what she's going through. Additionally, we just get along and laugh when we're together, and any cancer patient will tell you that laughter truly is the best medicine.

I will let you know if I get any further updates. Here's a prayer for Kim and her family, as well as the many others (Betty, Liz, Wanda, Tina) battling this bloody disease. Stupid cancer...


Tina said...

Thanks for the update on Kim...I've been checking her blog to see how she's doing. I'm keeping her in my prayers.
May 27, 2009 at 3:01 PM

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