Friday, May 1, 2009

MAY 1, 2009

I noticed recently that my tastes have changed. When I was in the chemo teach, they told me not to eat my favorite foods during chemo because they wouldn't taste the same during or after chemo. Well, I am here to tell you that this happened to me. Will it happen to you? Who knows. However, I can tell you that the things I used to crave the most (like Chipotle chicken fajita bowl - anyone who knew me while I was pregnant with my son knows I used to eat these 2-3 times a week) don't taste as good as they once did. While I would say this isn't a bad thing, the frustrating thing that I am finding is that I am a pretty "inside the box" kind of person when it comes to food - I know what I like, and I order it all the time because I don't have to worry about whether I will care for it. And, this system used to work.

Not so much any longer. Now - well, let's just say that I can anticipate something because I THINK it's going to taste delicious - get it to my mouth, and my taste buds are like, what the hell is this?!?! Kind of a letdown, to be honest.

So, on top of trying to re-learn how to live, I now have to re-learn what I like to eat. And, for someone who doesn't like to venture far from the set menu, this isn't an easy thing.

Any suggestions?


Tina said...
I've had people tell me the same thing about not eating favorite foods now, and I really wondered if it was true. I figured it would all come back after awhile. Now I know its true--it might not come back! *sigh*
Well, tonight I'm going to get a hot fudge sundae-and it better taste good! :-)
May 1, 2009 at 4:44 PM
Blogger Kim Miller said...
Lol...I can't help but laugh right now. My dear friend told me that same thing about my favorite food. I used to LOVE McDonals. It was my comfort food. I ate it almost every time after chemo. There was a McDonalds on our way home from Mayo. I can not even go thru the drive thru anymore. The thought makes me sick. I was told it would happen and although it was my comfort food, it's not a bad food to give up. lol I wasn't able to handle Mexican food while on chemo cause it had spices. Now, just like before, I love Mexican food.
On a more serious note....I would love to meet up with you before my surgery. I'm a bit nervous. I don't have anyone around that has gone through this surgery and is still here with me. I need some words of encouragement, what to pack for my week stay at the hospital, etc. Can you help me? My home email is I get it to my blackberry so I always get my emails. Thanks for the comments on my blog.

Your survivor friend,

May 3, 2009 at 12:03 PM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
Kim, are you a colon cancer survivor?

My sister in law (17 years of survivorship) says you start counting as soon as you're diagnosed. That will make this coming September 2009 two years for me.
May 4, 2009 at 9:41 AM

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