Friday, July 25, 2008

JULY 25, 2008

Marketing Help, Please....

Well, as you know, I have decided that part of the reason I have this cancer is to help advocate for awareness and prevention of this disease. I have a big mouth, and I may as well use it to benefit others, right?!?!

Along that train of thought, I have agreed to help out the Colon Cancer Alliance ( and my good friend, Betty, with the marketing for the Undy 5000. Now, you might ask, what in the world is that? Allow me to enlighten you...

The CCA is putting on a 5K walk/run here in Phoenix (Kiwanis Park, November 15th) to benefit the local chapter (which is in the process of being established, thank goodness). It's called the Undy 5000 ( because people are encouraged to walk or run in their underwear, boxers, briefs, sivvies, thongs (though only if it's really necessary), etc., as a way to bring awareness to the necessity of the cause, which is to help prevent and beat colon cancer. Colon cancer is preventable, if you suck up your pride and fear and take the 48 hours to prep and actually go in for your colonoscopy. If they find a polyp, they can remove it before it becomes cancerous (not all become cancerous, but this is where a tumor starts), which is KEY! If they find a cancerous tumor (like they did with me), the disease has a high rate of beat-a-bility. Did you know that? If you didn't, think of what you might be able to prevent yourself from going through if you take the time to go in to see your butt doctor. :-) (Like how I pushed that down your throat?!?!)

Okay, so what I have agreed to help out with, as I feel up to it, is marketing this walk/run to local businesses, in an effort to get them to sponsor us with money. They have several levels they can choose from - a person, business, etc. could sponsor the walk at the Premier Level ($50,000), which would give them mention on the press release, an exhibit at the finish line, logo placement on the promotional materials, the chance to have giveaways in the race bags, and a speaking role in the opening ceremony. Very swank!!! You could also sponsor us at various other levels, including the Lead ($25,000), Champion ($10,000), Supporting ($5,000), Memorial Garden Sponsorship ($15,000 - this will allow you lots of fancy things, including exclusive sponsorship credit on all memorial garden signage and promotional materials), Race Route Sponsor ($8,000), Beverage Sponsor ($5,000), and Mile Sponsor ($2,000).

What I need help from you all with is how do I contact companies, and what do I say to alert them to the necessity for the prevention and awareness of this disease, and to get them to give me their money? Betty and others are working the medical field - I have offered to work the big leagues. (Why, I am not yet sure, but really - who cares? It needs to be done.)

Here are my thoughts - why not ask the sports teams? Local celebrities - by this, I mean not only local TV station anchors, radio DJs, etc., but I mean big-time celebrities that live in the Valley. Like, Shaq. Or Alice Cooper. Wouln't Wayne Gretzky like to help me out? What about other locals?

I have no qualms about going up to these people and telling them my story - heck, I will purposely (and prematurely) shave my head, if it means upping the sympathy factor to get money. (Shameless, but whatever!) But, how do I get to them? I can't very well call up the Phoenix Suns ticket line and ask to speak with Shaq. I don't think he answers phones in the off season.

So, any thoughts you might have would be greatly appreciated. We need money, and the Valley has it. I just need to get my grubby little hands on it.

Oh - and don't worry about personally donating yet - I will be asking for your monetary handouts (erm, donations) soon enough. See, I am going to walk in this race. Well, more accurately, Levi is going to push me in a wheelchair for this race. This race happens the week before my last chemo treatment. I can't miss this, and I won't miss this. I will be setting up a team on-line, and will be emailing people as well as posting (and begging) here soon enough. Please consider donating even a buck to this cause - if your dollar comes in, and is the dollar that pushes someone else to go in and get screened, and potentially avoid what I am going through, isn't it worth it? And, it will be tax-deductible. (See, my time in sales is helping out already!!!)

All right, my peeps, please help me out. How do I get to these big celebrities, and how do I get their money. Email me or post a comment, and I will get back to you. Let's talk - this needs to happen, and I need your help. Please.
Nancy said...
hi sweetie...ok lets go .starting with the tv stations radio stations they all have email address.send the the web site for the undy5000 and a letter of your age and your position that is one small step .i was on line for the dallas cowboys and a few have a web site you can email them at.even if it is for a fan is a start.and i have learned that all starts will lead tpo more.I will help in any way i can ...main thing is to write your story and get it out ....wal mart and a lot of the stores that we shop at every day have so many employees that need to be aware of this.your story is the best start.sit down and write it down from minute one to to day.please let me know what i can do you.later
July 25, 2008 at 1:14 PM

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