Tuesday, July 29, 2008

JULY 29, 2008

Round 4

Well, today starts round 4. This means that, as of Thursday, I will be 1/3 of the way through my chemo. That also means that in two more treatments, I will be halfway done.

Isn't that a bright and sunny way of looking at three days of hell???

And, Mom and Dad made it here yesterday evening safe and sound. Mom scared the crap out of me - I didn't hear them come in, and she came up behind me and scared the bejeezus out of me. The kids are happy to have them back - Julia jumped right back into the fray, while Kevin is taking a bit longer to catch back up. He will be fine, though.

All right, keep the prayers a-coming! Gonna need 'em. Round 4, here I come. Cancer, be damned!

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