Monday, July 7, 2008

JULY 7, 2008

Support Group

Well, I went to my first support group this afternoon. And, it was wonderful. I should have gone to this weeks ago, but the timing was right for me. I met 6 other people that are also battling cancer, and while we aren't all fighting the same type of beast, the struggles are very similar. It was wonderful to learn about this person's side effects and to be able to sympathize, or to be able to question that person about such-and-such and to be able to get answers not gleamed from a book or from a website.

I also met a wonderful woman, Betty, who is involved with the Colon Cancer Alliance, and who is going to help me learn more about my disease, my treatment options, etc. She is also going to get me involved with the CCA, and we are going to work together as advocates for this preventable disease.

They are having a walk to benefit the Colon Cancer Alliance in November. I am going to participate, if I have to take part from a wheelchair. You should see a post here shortly with more information about this. I am totally stoked - anything we can do to bring awareness to this disease and to its prevention is awesome.
Ally said...
Hey Michelle! You are so courageous! I wanted to see how you were doing, I couldn't check in a few days as I had my appendix removed. (fun)
But I wanted to come by and say hi and hang tough!! Love those tshirt ideas!! Hugs!!
July 9, 2008 at 7:55 PM

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