Wednesday, July 2, 2008

JULY 2, 2008

Round 2, Day 1 and 2

Well, yesterday was round 2, day 1. And, it sucked. The chemo itself wasn't too bad. The CBC came back with normal numbers, meaning my white, red, and platelet cell counts are normal (woo!). Always good news. And, as I said, the chemo isn't too bad. I have the same schedule as an older lady who is going through her second battle with cancer, this time rectal. She is really nice, and her daughter comes in with her, so I know that I will see someone I know and enjoy talking with when I am there. Very nice people.

However, after the chemo session, I started to feel pretty nauseuos. And, it got worse after I ate dinner. So, I took my anti-nauseau meds (again) and headed to bed. As long I was laying down in bed, I was okay. On the first day of chemo, they give me a steroid to help with the nausea, and that gives me big-time sweats on and off for about 12 hours. Yesterday, those waves of heat came in conjunction with the nausea. It was (insert sarcastic voice here) fabulous!

So, I spent the entire night and this morning laying in my bed, waiting for the next wave of nausea to come, and to pass. I was very lucky - it never got any worse than nausea, so I was really lucky. However, it still sucked. This morning, I couldn't even help anyone with anything, and when I got ready to go to chemo, instead of being able to wash my hair in the sink, take a sponge bath, and get ready - nope. My beauty regime this morning was wake up, pee, get dressed, wipe down face, get in the car. Very sexy.

When I got there, the nurse asked me how I was feeling. I asked her if she wanted me to be honest or nice. She said honest. My reaction - chemo sucks, and this round kicked my ass. She actually understood, and took the time to talk with me and mom about how I was feeling, what made it better or worse, etc. She then suggested that I take another RX called Ativan, which she also gave me via IV during chemo. And, woo, did it work. It made me drowsy (if knocking me ut cold counts as "drowsy"), but it definitely did help with the yuck feeling. She also talked with me about what I can eat to help alleviate the sickly feeling, and all of that.

Overall, today's chemo went better, mostly b/c I was asleep for the most of it. I feel better today than I did yesterday, and since I am able to blog and throw a load of laundry in the washer, I suppose that's an improvement. I am going to end here, and see what's going on in the front of the house. Here's hoping tomorrow is better than today.

Oh - and I am going to order a few/couple of tee shirts this week. I am thinking of the one that says "Cancer, you picked the wrong bitch." and another one that's white with the colon cancer blue ribbon and it says "I WILL WIN" with the words Colon Cancer Awareness in smallish letters on the front. I am waiting to see about the others. Any suggestions?!?!
Amanda: said...
You don't know me - I found your blog from my husband's cousin Jen's Blog (Graceful Expressions).

Anyhow, I just wanted you to know that our son was diagnosed with cancer when he was 20 months old, back in 2004. We were lucky too, and caught it early (it was a brain tumor), and he has been in remission 4 years now. He also did the chemo route - different than yours (obviously) - but chemo nonetheless. It was "less than fun", to say the least.

I want you to know I'll watch your blog and I want to see you beat the cancer too!!! Our area's Relay for Life (check the American Cancer Society's website for info) is next weekend, and we would like to honor you and your fight at the Luminaria ceremony.

Hang in there - Zofran worked WONDERS for Joshua. And when he lost his hair, it just kind fell out over the course of a couple of days - like he would be laying on my chest, get up, and there would be hair all over my shirt.

Good luck!!!!
July 3, 2008 at 7:57 AM
Blogger Nancy said...
hi sweetie....just want you to know we send our love and prayers...and want to wish all a happy forth of is going to get better and you are and hugs..God Bless ....later
July 4, 2008 at 6:43 PM

I think you should print all your posts into a book.

Thinking of you, love you.
July 6, 2008 at 9:10 AM
Blogger Kevin said...
I like the first suggestion for a tee. I have know you for a long time and I think that says it all. If any one can beat this, it is you.
July 9, 2008 at 3:36 PM

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