Thursday, July 10, 2008

JULY 10, 2008

Genetics Test Update

I got the results back from my genetics test. It's official - I have been medically deemed a freak of nature.

Okay, not really. What they were able to tell me was that all of the tests came back with the most positive results, indicating that my genes are all producing the proteins that they are meant to, and the way they are supposed to. And, the genes show no sign of having an alteration that indicates genetic predisposition to colon cancer.

So, what this means is that the medical community have yet to find the gene that would mean I was destined to get colon cancer. They are keeping my information (including a sample of the tumor - ick) on file, and if advances are made in the genetics field indicating that another gene could be responsible for the colon cancer, they will test mine and let me know the results.

See, I am officially a freak of nature. Thinking that might be my tattoo - right on my butt. :-)~


You know, it seems odd to say that, while I have cancer and am fighting this battle, I could have a good week. But, I am having a great week. I feel really good. Going to group and choosing to live my life instead of focusing on the cancer has allowed me to spend the rest of my time LIVING. And, what a great life I have.

I have spoken with several friends this week, and met with some of them in person. I am such a people person that I needed to do that, and those times really invigorated me. It's been hot but gorgeous here, and I have spent limited time outside. This weekend, we are supposed to have a cooldown (high of 95 instead of 115), and we may take the kids to the zoo. I am feeling really good - it's almost hard to imagine that my body is fighting such a battle inside. But, I do remember that I am sick, and that I need to rest. I went to Michael's and bought a few introductory kits for calligraphy (Jen - you inspired me) and drawing (something I used to do as a kid). I am finishing a gift for a friend and hope to have that in the mail this week. And, I spoke with my director this week about potentially returning to work on a part-time basis. No "for sure" news yet, but I am hopeful.

Overall, that's why you haven't heard from me all week. I have been able to spend time living, instead of worrying about whether I would live. I have decided to allow myself the mourning for the life I once had (pre-cancer), but not to focus on it. I have allowed myself to embrace this new portion of me, and to realize that this isn't going to define who I am as a person. Rather, this will simply make me a better person, and allow me to teach others.

It's really been a good week....
Amanda: said...
Glad to hear you're living. Welcome to the new "normal". Cancer sucks, but here's hoping the good weeks outnumber the bad.
July 14, 2008 at 6:57 AM
I can give lessons via cyberspace!!!
love ya!
July 15, 2008 at 7:30 AM


I wish I knew who you are. I recieved a box in the mail this week - it came from a company in Minnesota, with no other "giver" information. It contained a warm, pink fleece hat, a pink Bible (who knew that I have been longing for one, and just didn't spend the money on myself), a gorgeous crystal bracelet, some coffee, and other various items. I don't know who sent it, but it's a wonderful gift. The company is owned by a woman who survived breast cancer (despite the odds, and hence the pink theme), and is meant to be an inspiration to the receiver. And, it is. I will proudly wear the bracelet, along with my blue cancer one and my yellow LIVESTRONG one. I will read the Bible, and use the other items to help me get through this time in my life. And, I will think of you, oh anonymous one, while I use these things. 

Thank you. Thank you so much.
Nancy said...
Hi good to see the words "had a good week".I know i watched James go through the good ,the bad and the ugly and its always wonderful to see the goods days.I am so happy some one sent you a package.this ordeal is about you and you deserve some gifts.And I think it is awsome you got a Bible.I am about to finish reading mine for the first time and am ready to start over again.Give God a chance....he knows what you are going through and is the only one to know the out come of this monster that tried to take over your body.He works miracles and he will take care of you Michelle.I will write more later.with all my love aunt nancy........later
July 11, 2008 at 7:26 PM
Blogger Nancy said...
Michelle...i need to have you e-mail me your address if you would please.I am not sure if i have the new one always aunt nancy.......LATER
July 13, 2008 at 12:52 PM
Dearest Mick,

I am so glad to know you rcvd the gift from Dei Gratia, Susie Monte is my Pastor's wife.

She is a true inspiration and a Godly woman.

I love and miss you dearly, and pray for your strength and comfort daily.


July 16, 2008 at 6:32 PM

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