Monday, July 28, 2008

JULY 28, 2008

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho....

Next Monday, it's off to work I go. I have been in talks with my director at work, and while I can't go back full-time (yet), I will be returning to work on a part-time basis, only on the weeks that I don't have chemo. I am really excited. I know it is going to take a lot out of me, but I also know that I need the distraction, the goal, the focus, and to show my commitment to my company. I truly love what I do, and just before I got sick, I was finally feeling that I had a good handle on things, that I was capable of doing the tasks put in front of me, and doing them well. It's going to be tough to catch up after two months of being unexpectedly out of work, but I know that I can do it. I think this is going to be a good move, mentally, as well, because it will give me some semblance of normalcy, which is what I feel like I need now.

Now, for those of you that are gasping and gawking and wondering why in the hell I am doing this, instead of spending my "down" time resting - have you ever had to be at home, and be limited as to what you can accomplish? And, have you ever really had to spend time watching daytime TV? Really - try it for a week. You'll understand. 

And, I will be resting. My family is very good about making sure that I don't overdo it, especially right before chemo. I am not lifting weights or building houses or running marathons, and when I do go out, I usually use an electric chair, to conserve the energy I have. So, I am resting. Much to my dismay, some days, but there you go.

Also, as a note, this work situation is flexible, and might be changed in the future if I feel like I can't handle the side effects as well as work. If that's the case, my director and I have already dicussed potential outcomes once we need to cross that proverbial bridge. 

So, there you go. Off to group I head, and then to pick up the kids. We went swimming yesterday in our friend's Lexi's pool, and the kids did so well. I am going to post about that in our family blog - Enjoy!

(Yes, I am taking the time to update that one as well.....after all, I do still have time on my hands!)


Quick update - as you may (or may not) know, Mom and Dad are driving back from NY this weekend. They left Saturday morning, and ended up in Indianapolis that night. Last night, they called from Oklahoma. And, Mom just called - they are going to be here TONIGHT. Oh my goodness. I didn't think there was any way they would do it (when we drove down from MN, it took us 4 days, but in our defense, we were travelling with two kids - including a 7 week old, two cats, and a motorcycle), but they are already south of Flagstaff. Holy crap. So, they will be here tonight. Yikes. I think they have a time warp machine or something.
glad to hear they are making it there safely...
I am sure nothing can get in their way of seeing their beautiful daughter and grandchildren (and you too, Levi!)
love jen & kevin
July 28, 2008 at 8:21 PM

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