Sunday, January 10, 2010

JANUARY 10, 2010

As you know, my dental issues came to light this week.  I went into the dentist on Wednesday of this week for a routine cleaning, and the hygenist actually mentioned that my teeth were in VERY good condition.  Basically, the only thing that could have caused the issues that I'm having is the chemo.  Blergh.

I don't remember if I blogged that I had my 6-month PET scan on Tuesday.  No big deal - I'm used to them, and look forward to the reading time and the nap time (I always fall asleep in the PET scan).  I don't expect anything to happen, and I ask for the CD to be sent to my home, with the knowledge that I'll follow up with my dr at my 6 month check up.

That is, until I received a missed call on both my home and cell phone on Wednesday late afternoon to call the oncologists office.  Okay.  Panic set in, and I called and left them a voicemail to call me back since it was after hours when I called.

Thursday morning, I called the drs office every 15 minutes for an hour and a half until I got in touch with the person I needed to talk with.  She started the conversation by saying that Dr. Ondreyco told me not to worry, but they found something in my abdomen and wanted me to come in that day.  How's 12:30 work for me?

Um.  Wait - what?

So, after panicking some more, Levi, his mom and I went to run a few errands, then lunch, then the drs appointment.  Some necessary background - at my original PET scan before my colon resection, there was a mass in my lower abdomen  that lit up on the scans but didn't worry them - I didn't find out about it until January of last year.  They were fairly certain it wasn't cancer, even though it shrunk during chemo.  We were going to monitor it until, well, now I guess.  Fast forward to this past week - the scans I took this week shows that the mass in inflamed, and they need to check it out.  The doctor is fairly certain that the mass is benign (a truly beautiful word), but she wants to be sure.  So, I am scheduled for a CT needle biopsy on Friday of this coming week.  Arrival at 11am, procedcure at 1pm.

I was worried, really worried, but I've gotten over it, mostly.  I'm still nervous - I don't want to have to go through everything again, or worse, have it come back as a new cancer and have to tackle another type of chemo.  But, if that's what needs to happen, I say BRING IT ON!!!!  I kicked cancer's ass once - I can do it again if I need to.

Needless to say, things have been a little crazy this week.  It's been SO GOOD to have Levi home - we are still getting used to living together again.  He has a job offer, but they don't expect to have work until March.  So, for now, we are in complete panic mode, because he isn't even getting unemployment, so we are literally down to a single income.  Plus, this coming week is my furlough pay week, which means I am only getting paid for a single week of work.  Blech.  I have NO idea how we are going to pay for basics, like food, daycare, gas....much less the car payment, truck payment, insurance, and a couple of other things that HAVE to get paid to avoid having the vehicles repossessed, utilities shut off, etc.  Good times.

So, after writing that, I'm in totaly freak-out mode.  On that note, I'm going to log off and hope for the best.  More in a bit...


Caroline said...

Stop and take a deep breath! First of all, your biopsy is Friday - so how can you fill your time between now and then? Quality time with your husband is very important - find something fun and free to do. I wish you the best. I read your blog fairly regularly. My husband is in the hospital now having a colectomy because he had a malignant polyp and they didn't get clean margins. Path report this week and we will know....
January 10, 2010 at 11:41 PM

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