Wednesday, January 13, 2010

JANUARY 13, 2010

Whew.  What a couple of weeks I've had.  Between the dental problems (which reminds me that I need to call them to get a price on the work that needs to be done), the CT needle biopsy this week, the acne breakout that I've now had three people at work (including my boss) ask me about, and the financial issues, I'm really surprised that I haven't started drinking heavily yet.

As you know, Levi came home and had a job interview.  I can't remember how much of this I told you, but the job that he wanted was written as if they knew him - his skills, his abilities, his talents.  When he spoke with the hiring manager (Jason), he wanted to talk with Levi in person.  This is part of the reason Levi came home in the first place.  Once Levi got home, he and Jason met and if Jason had the capability, he would have hired Levi on the spot.  Good news, right?  Bad news was that he didn't think this was going to happen until March.  Crap.

Long story short, we were in full panic mode this week.  For a variety of reasons, he is unable to collect unemployment and so we are down one paycheck per week.  Plus, last week I was on unpaid furlough, which means that my paycheck this Friday is going to be minute and not capable of paying what I need it to pay.  Crap times two.

For the past 12 hours, I've tried a couple of things to get money as quickly as possible.  Things like attempting to get an advance on my tax refund (they apparently won't do it because I use their online system rather than going into the office to have them do my taxes....).  And, nothing's panning out.  We are very quickly coming to the end of a very short rope.

And then, Levi called this morning.  He got an email from Jason - can he start workig next week.  Um....YES!!!!  I don't care where, when, right now is work.  Thank goodness.

I can't wait to see Levi to give him a big hug and kiss.  We both needed this, desperately.  He needed the validation that someone somewhere still values an employee who is loyal, hardworking, reliable, and looking for a long-term position.  We needed something that would provide us with the income to keep us afloat.  And, we needed this to make sure that we don't both fall down from heart attacks or panic attacks.

Whew.  So, while we aren't out of the woods yet (we are still about $1500-$2000 short on bills this month), we have a light at the end of what has been a VERY long tunnel.  As soon as our W-2s come in, we'll be filing taxes and getting that money in, to help us pay off the debts we owe, get the bills up to date, and hopefully give us a little breathing room.

Meanwhile, I am diligently working on raising awareness for Colon Cancer Awareness month in March (more on this later), and the events we are planning to promote this awareness.  I am also really looking forward to cleaning my house this weekend.  :-)

And, maybe catching up on the episode of The Biggest Loser that I missed last night.

*sigh*  (That's the sound of me breathing for the first time in a LONG time!)

OH!  By the way, I got a call from my doctor's office, and the blood work that they took last week?  All came back normal!


Amanda: said...
Such good news! Hope the upward trend continues!!
January 13, 2010 at 3:31 PM
OpenID ronsroad2recovery said...
Michelle, How relieved you must be! I know this has been a very stressful time for you. God answers prayer. Levi's job is a miracle. I am sure God has more blessings instore for your family.
January 13, 2010 at 7:45 PM
Blogger Carol Pack Urban said...

What was your CEA level? Has it gone up at all?
January 14, 2010 at 4:27 PM

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