Thursday, January 7, 2010

JANUARY 7, 2010

As I sit here, I'm anxiously waiting for a phone call back from my oncologist's office.  Yesterday afternoon, I didn't answer my cell phone because I was driving, and I didn't want to be distracted.  I should have.  It was a phone call from my oncologist's office, with a voicemail to call them back.  When I got home, there was also a missed call on my home phone.


I HATE not knowing why they called.  I had a PET scan on Tuesday morning.  They haven't called with results before.  At least, I don't think they have.  I'll have to go look back through my posts to see if they did.  :-)

Anyways, I thought I would post here, letting others know that they aren't alone in the fear that comes with waiting for a phone call.  I am terrified that they are calling to tell me something bad.  Do I think that's the case?  No.  However, inevitably, when you have something like this happen, you tend to think the worst.  Why are they calling?  Is it bad news?  Do I need to start worrying?

I was hoping that my blogging here would instigate the fates to have Yvette call.  I'm on pins and needles until it happens.  I need to make a couple of other phone calls, and I don't want to until I hear back from the drs office.  My stomach is all in knots, and I'm shaking.  This waiting is awful.

Here's hoping.  I think I'm going to call her again.  Maybe I'll catch her.  Who knows....will let you know.


Whidbey Woman said...

Yes, waiting is awful. We've learned to ask when the dr should get the results. Then get right on calling... instead of waiting for them to, or for the next visit.
Good Luck, Michelle. I hope it's good news!
January 7, 2010 at 6:42 PM

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