Thursday, January 14, 2010

JANUARY 14, 2010

I have wanted to write to you for a while.  You have really thrown me for a loop the past two years.  I would like to formally request a break from this chaos and craziness.  I don't think I need to remind you about all of the things that you have pushed on me and my family in the past 18 months.  It's been wild and not-so-much-fun.  I was wondering if you have plans to make things a little easier on us for the remainder of the year.

I wanted to thank you for Levi's job.  Life, you really had me in panic mode yesterday, and I'm so glad that he finally has work.  However, with all of the twists that you have thrown at us lately, I won't actually be calm and collected and okay with this until he starts working and gets paid.  Call me crazy, but with all that's happened, I'm waiting for the other foot to drop.  Small request here - PLEASE keep that foot up in the air for a good, long time.  Consider it endurance training for seem to have a problem with restraint in this area.  Constructive criticism....I'm just saying.

Meantime, again, please consider this a formal, official request for a good year.  I would really like to have the opportunity to understand what "relaxed" means.  Please let me know if you have any questions on this - I'd love the opportunity to sit down, have a cup of coffee, and discuss your reasons for the hell you've provided us with over the past two years.

Thanks so much!


Very well written! I agree with everything you wrote!
January 14, 2010 at 4:24 PM

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