Monday, January 25, 2010

JANUARY 25, 2010

Wow - January 22nd of last year, I was given the all-clear and told that I am officially in remission.  How in the world did that anniversary pass me by?  I started thinking about that last night, and it occurred to me that I didn't obsess about the date, worry about it, or dwell on it.  Instead, I lived my life on Friday as if nothing ever happened.  And, it was wonderful.

However, I would absolutely be remiss in my cancer-ass-kicking status if I didn't remind myself occasionally that I beat this monster, that I am still here to fight on my behalf and on behalf of those that can't, and to help others through their fight.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - it's a pretty cool life I live.  Thanks for being with me on this amazing journey!

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