Friday, January 22, 2010

JANUARY 22, 2010

Please read this article regarding a new blood test that is being researched to test for the presence of a particular protein that has been shown to be elevated in people with not only colon cancer, but also pre-cancerous polyps in their colon.  HOLY CRAP!

This has the potential for people to be tested in an inexpensive (they are saying less than $50), non-invasive way to check for the possibility of this protein.  In early tests, this protein shows up with high accuracy (in the 80-90% range) in people with colon cancer AND with those pesky polyps that have the potential to turn into cancer.  This could be life-changing for so many people, and could help doctors more accurately test and thus, remove, colon cancer before it has a chance to kill people like Kim, me, and all of the others that this disease has tried to take.

I really hope this proves to be a valid test - this would be unbelievably amazing....


Amie said...
Oh, wow! That is fantastic. You will have to let me know, cuz if so, I will take the blood test for sure. Just to rest my mind some days. I have heard Dr. Oz say so many times on his show that people with IBS history should get tested earlier than others. Not worrying, but good to be effective in this day and age.
Love ya sweetie...keep me posted!
January 22, 2010 at 5:00 PM
Blogger Whidbey Woman said...

I think this is great news. The more early detection, the better.
January 22, 2010 at 6:44 PM

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