Sunday, January 13, 2013

JANUARY 13, 2013

Well, the past few days have been a whirlwind of pain, relief, a challenging cold, and emotions careening up and down in ways I had forgotten were possible.

The pain - from my back.  I went to see a pain doc this week (I can't remember if I told y'all that) because the OTC meds that I've been taking, while they have provided relief, it's been temporary (like, 2 hours) and isn't enough to allow me to sleep at night.  I met Dr. Adebayo at CTCA, and we talked about my medical history, what's causing the pain, what makes it better, and he did a physical.  Basically, the pain is radiant pain resulting from the freaking thing growing inside of me (I really should name's big enough....hmmm...), and we talked about medical solutions to providing me with some relief.  Currently, heat helps ease the pain a bit (so I've taken more hot baths in the past few days than I have in years), my heated popcorn bag has been my constant friend (a flannel bag filled with corn kernels - not popcorn - that you microwave for 3-4 minutes to warm it up), and a very strict regiment of 2 OTC Advil every 6 hours are keeping me in check.

The doctor prescribed percoset.  First night, I took 5 mg, and it eased the pain a bit (for about 4 hours), but didn't really allow me to sleep (I was up that night at 1:30am and didn't get back to bed...).  The next night, I took the full dose of 10mg.  It helped, but again, I was up because of pain.  *sigh*  After a quick call to his nurse on Friday, and a quick phone conversation with him, I was told to take two pills every 4-6 hours.

I did this on Friday night - first dose, and I felt like I was drunk.  Not good drunk - like, room spinning drunk.  But, my back didn't hurt.  So, I took two more at 11:30 (about 6 hours after the first dose).

Bad idea.  I woke up on Saturday morning nauseous, icky feeling, generally not in any kind of condition to do the full day of activities that I had planned.  I couldn't eat, couldn't drink.  Damn it.  I was so upset.  But, I slept the whole day away.  I didn't wake up to shower until 3pm.  and, even then, I went back to bed for a quick nap.  I was finally able to get up to go to Mom and Dad's at around 5pm to do our game plan for the kids post-surgery (where they would go, who's taking them on what night, etc.), and I started to feel better little by little.

Last night, I was able to get some more food into me, take some Advil (my back started to bother me again), and get some sleep.  I don't think I'll be taking the Percoset again.  I am so prone to nausea that I'm pretty sure that's what tipped me over the edge.  I'm going to do some research today on other pain meds that I know I took when I had my hysterectomy in 2011, so I can go in on Thursday morning and tell the docs what I do/don't want to have post-surgery.

This cold I've been dealing with is pretty typical, but the timing sucks.  I was worried about how it would effect surgery next week, but a pre-op medical exam and clearance appointment on Friday determined that I'm suffering from a run-of-the-mill cold, and should not see any issues from it.  I'm to stay on my Mucinex DM until it's no longer needed, and go back in if things get any worse.

The emotions - I had forgotten how much pain affects your emotions.  In the height of the pain, I get so so so angry.  I'm angry with my body, with my inability to handle the pain.  I get angry with the fact that I can't get any relief, and I want to physically lash out (my desired victim this week was the wall - I didn't hit it, but I desperately wanted to).  I get so depressed when I can't function normally because of the pain; knowing that there is a resolution coming, and (hopefully) and end to the pain helps, but when you are in so much pain you can't see straight, that knowledge doesn't help.

Finally getting some relief helped, and we are on the T-minus 5 day countdown.  I've got to go shopping today for the bowel prep stuff (this time, I can eat/drink red or purple, which is a change from a traditional colonoscopy prep, so I'll take it), and I've got to start packing the kids up for their ventures while I'm down and out.

Looks like I'll be in the hospital for at least a day, though I'm planning for 2-3.  Typical stay for the da Vinci procedure is 24 hours; however, that's how they did my hysterectomy and I was there for 2 days because of pain management.  If they have to do an open surgery, I'll be there for 2-3 days, so that's what I'm planning for.

Several of you have asked what you can do to help.  I'm going to ask for meals; ideally, I'd love to have two weeks of dinners covered for my family, so I don't have to worry about it until I'm able to finally cook.  We do have some restrictions, which may make things more difficult.  No dairy (milk, cheese, etc.) during the week (ok on Fridays and Saturdays).  No salmon or horseradish (Levi is allergic).  But, I think that's it.  If you can help, please let me know.  Fresh meals are fine; frozen are fine, as well.  We have freezer space.  Delivery is good.  Any assistance we can receive would be amazing.

This week is going to be busy.  I have some errands to run today and tomorrow (including getting this disaster of the house in order).  Tuesday is my big interview day - CNN is coming to CTCA for the first harvest of the organic farm, and they wanted patient perspectives.  CTCA asked me to take part; I am just so humbled.  And terrified.  This interview will likely go global and (I believe) it's being done via the Sanjay Gupta show.  *gulp*  I'll let you know when it's supposed to air, etc.  So overwhelming....


I'm Nic. said...
I am so sorry you are having such a tough time with pain. Pain is such a miserable beast. I'll pray that the next 5 days go by at warp speed so you can get the surgery and slay the backpain beast.
Keep us posted on when the piece airs on CNN! Don't be nervous, I have no doubt you speak as eloquently as you write. Sidebar: Sanjay Gupta is so dreamy. I'd let him operate on me anyday. (Dirty double ententre totally intended. *wink*)
Keep hangin' tough lady!
January 13, 2013 at 6:47 AM
Blogger Caroline said...
I take Tramadol for my back and other pain and it does help. You might ask for that. Percocet makes me dizzy. Good luck with your surgery.
January 13, 2013 at 7:57 AM
Blogger Thandi said...

Hope you get 'perfect' pain relief sorted out.All the best with everything-from the organic farming session to the surgery itself.
January 13, 2013 at 9:34 PM

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