Wednesday, January 2, 2013

JANUARY 2, 2013

Today's appointment went about as I expected.  We didn't get much more information, and we are still waiting until tomorrow's consult with Dr. Farley.

Here's what we know - forgive the randomness.

The mass itself is about 4" on each side...fairly large, to be sure.  Dr. Granick showed us the pictures of the CT scan - it looks,  Yeah - HUGE!  And, it's sitting right on my, my bladder is this little bowl shape now, and the mass kind of sits in/on it.  I can say that this explains a lot now.  :)

The good news is that the lung tumors and the lymph nodes are still stable, which is amazing news!!!  Dr. Granick seemed very pleased with this news, be honest, we were too.

Surgery will likely take place sooner rather than later, possibly as soon as next week.  The hope is that the tumor is still self-contained, and surgery will be the end of the treatment, with obvious on-going monitoring.

I asked why the CEA was elevated, if the tumor is an ovarian mass.  This could be because of the irritation from the ovarian mass, the mass throwing off multiple cancer markers, etc.  Dr. Granick reassured us that he's not worried about anything, especially because the CT scan didn't show anything abnormal.  Well, except for the ovarian mass.

We don't know much more than this...we meet with Dr. Farley tomorrow morning, and have more answers (and likely more questions) after that consult.

Sorry for the short update - not much to say today.  I'm off to take a walk, and get back out of my head.


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January 3, 2013 at 1:37 AM
Blogger Thandi said...

Hope you do get the answers you're hoping for from Farley. 'Glad' it's 'only' the bladder squatter that's visible.Hope that's it for the new ones.
January 3, 2013 at 4:54 AM

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