Saturday, January 5, 2013

JANUARY 5, 2013

This week has been a week of firsts for me.  From a social perspective, I did two things I never expected.

Monday night, I took part in a black-tie event, which was a fundraiser for 
Arizona Assistance in Healthcare, which is an organization here in Phoenix that helps cancer patients with non-medical expenses.  I found out about this organization from CTCA, and have been the grateful beneficiary of a few monthly grants, which have helped us pay for basic day-to-day expenses (gas, food, rent, etc.).

On Friday before the CT scan, I did a video shoot for this event, speaking from the patient's perspective about how AAHC has helped my family, and (hopefully) convincing the donors to open their pockets a bit more.  My mom and my friend Ilana joined me at the event, and it was very glitzy, very glamorous, and just a wonderful way to ring in the new year!

It was a very formal event, much more so than any other event I've ever been to (with the exception of maybe weddings...).  They showed the video (
link here...forgive the background noise - we took this while sitting at our table...), and then the live auction took place.  I've seen auctions on television, but never in person.  So.  Much.  Fun!

The rest of the night is kind of a blur, full of well-wishers, good music, lots (and lots) of dancing, and ringing in the new year by watching the ball drop (albeit not on NY time, which is a pet peeve of mine), then being driven home in the CTCA limo.  :)

That night was fabulous.  So much fun schmoozing with the folks there, meeting new friends, catching up with others, and I found that I knew *way* more people there than I expected to.

So, yesterday, I got a frantic text early in the morning, asking if I could be available to take part in a television interview and speak at another gala.


So, after some pre-op appointments at CTCA during the day (including blood work that I still haven't looked at, and am doing my best to ignore), I rushed home, figured out what I was going to wear to the gala, what I was going to wear to the interview, what I was going to do with the kids, etc.  It was a frantic rush but worth it.

The interview went well, I think.  It's always so hard to know how those go until you see them, and then, if you're like me, you are constantly critiquing your answers, how you look, your hand movements, etc.  I tend to be very, very critical of myself and how I look, so bear with me.

After we were done with the television crew, I headed home to try get dressed and get the kids settled (thanks to Mom and Dad for taking them!).  I drove out to Mesa (over an hour drive time...), and met Tiffany at the gala.

The gala was the kick-off event for the 
Miss Arizona USA and Miss Teen Arizona USA pageants, which take place this weekend.  We got to see all of the contestants and learn a little but more about the pageant itself.  Tiffany and I then got up on stage to tell the people there about AAHC, and to hopefully convince them to donate.

We both got great reception from the folks there, and were told that our stories were well received. 

Here's hoping we raised enough money to help more families than ever before!

When I got home, we watched the news until my story came on.  You can see that story 
here.  I'm hoping that a) we offered some hope for other survivors out there who are struggling, and b) we gave donors a reason to give a little bit more.

Needless to say, it's been a long week.  But, if we are able to get the word out there and help other folks?  Yeah - totally worth it!

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