Thursday, January 17, 2013

JANUARY 17, 2013

Well, it's the morning of the surgery.  I'm nauseous, my back is killing me, and I'm tired.  I hope they have some good meds once I get there...

Last night sucked.  Between not being able to finish the bowel prep (when it comes right back up immediately after you swallow it - yeah, it's time to stop), my back in the most pain I can remember (I was actually crying at one point), and not being able to sleep, I'm just done.  Mentally, I'm exhausted.  Physically, I'm worn out.

What does it say about me that I'm actually looking forward to this surgery?  I just hope it actually helps...

Mom will update the blog and facebook once we have news.  I don't think you'll see anything until early afternoon our time, so please be patient.  Feel free to leave a comment, and we'll work through them.

Meantime, I'm asking for good mojo, prayers, etc.  And, lots of good wishes for endometriosis!  :)
Akemiko said...
Michelle.. you are in surgery as I type this.. you've been in my thoughts and prayers all morning.
{{{{{{love, strength, healing}}}}}}.
xoxo ~Akemi
January 17, 2013 at 8:46 AM


Michelle's surgery went well but it wasn't quite as positive as we had hoped - but also (at least thus far) not as bad as it could have been.  The mass had continued to grow and attached itself to her colon, bladder, and other parts of the pelvis.They were able to remove the mass with the da Vinci robot rather than needing to make an incision.

The mass was about the size of a small cantaloupe. Michelle, in her usual manner, looked at this with humor and named it "Lola". It appears to be primarily endometriosis but also seems to contain some dead or dying cancer cells. At this point,we don't know what type of cancer it is - metastasis of the colon cancer, ovarian cancer or some other new cancer. And,we don't know how prevalent the cells were. Michelle is already creating her list of questions to ask the doctor.

She is finally in her room at CTCA and we are all resting comfortably as exhaustion is finally setting in.  We are hopeful that she can head home tomorrow.

More to come... 


I am praying that after the biopsy results come back things are more hopeful. Also praying for no more back pain for her!
January 17, 2013 at 6:34 PM
Blogger Thandi said...
Two hopes-good pain relief and something easily treatable.
January 20, 2013 at 3:19 AM
Blogger Dana Birnberg said...

Her amazing strength I am certain must come from somewhere. She is lucky to have you as a mom.
January 20, 2013 at 8:29 AM

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