Monday, January 21, 2013

JANUARY 21, 2013

Good morning, my army!  Thank you so much for your amazing support, strength, and good wishes over the past few days.  I have felt the positive energy, and it's helped me get through the pain.

I'd be remiss if I didn't take a moment to thank my parents for their amazing support, over the past years but also over the past few days.  I absolutely could not have made it through all of this without you, and am beyond grateful for you.  I love you both more than I can tell you, and am so blessed to be your daughter.

Well, this weekend was....interesting.  Thursday, as you know, was the surgery.  As Mom said, the surgery didn't turn out quite the way we wanted, but it also wasn't as bad as it could have been, so we'll take what good news we can.  The fact that they found cancer cells was upsetting but not wholly unexpected.  I kind of went into the surgery with this expectation, so while it was a disappointment, it wasn't a complete and total shock.  It definitely wasn't what I wanted to hear, but at this point, I've kind of learned to hope for thee best and expect the worst.  Seems to be working so far....

Anyways, coming out of the surgery on Thursday was tiring, to say the least.  Thursday night, I was obviously exhausted, but luckily (thanks to the pain meds) I wasn't in too much pain.  I remember speaking to the hospitalist at CTCA (that's a whole other story - to say he and I didn't mesh would be an understatement), but then things calmed down, Mom, Dad and Levi were able to finally go home, and I was able to sleep.

Friday brought on some new challenges (I spiked a fever, and I had a reaction to one of the pain meds they tried....damn it), but overall, the pain levels were fairly well tolerated.  Saturday, they decided to keep me one more day to make sure that I didn't have another reaction and that my fever stayed down, and I was released yesterday (Sunday) with fairly explicit instructions about medications, limits on activity, etc.

Today, I woke up feeling pretty good...relatively speaking, of course.  I'm not quite ready for a night of dancing yet, but I'm okay.  Pain is fairly well controlled by the oral medications I've been given, and I'm doing my best to NOT overdo it.  As I feel better and better, that's going to be my biggest challenge.  I don't sit well at all, and I'm not one for watching movies generally, so this part of recovery is often the hardest for me.  But, I've been here before and made it through - I'll make it through this, too.

I'll try to keep y'all updated as I have more information.  I'm going to make some phone calls today to CTCA to get some answers to some questions we've come up with, and then (after I shower) head over to Mom and Dad's to enjoy time there.  If I happen to hear back on the path reports, I'll let you know what we find out.

For now?  Let's focus on healing the surgical area, and reminding me to take it slow.  :)  I'll continue to get better, and whatever comes next - we'll tackle it then.  Enjoy today, my army.  You've done an amazing job.


Thandi said...

Taaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt sssssssssssllllllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!
January 22, 2013 at 5:10 AM

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