Sunday, September 14, 2008

SEPTEMBER 14, 2008

On Wednesday, I had a follow up with my dr about the fever, chills, etc. that I had after my previous round of chemo. Basically, all of the tests came back negative, meaning that I am not fighting a blood infection, pneumonia, or other exotic ailment. It looks like I am simply experiencing some of the lesser known side effects of the chemo drug, including high fever, chills, and tightening in the chest. Fun.

Bill gave us a couple of options. We can move forward with the current chemo regimen, and try to lessen the side effects with other drugs (Tylenol at first, and if that doesn't work, some RX drugs). We can also switch to another chemo drug, which is slightly less effective, but would change up the side effects (instead of fever, severe diarrhea - woo!). The problem with this is that if we switch drugs and I have a recurrence of the cancer, we have eliminated that chemo as a choice in combating the recurrence. Needless to say, we chose to try to push through the current chemo, and try to stave off the side effects. So, I start chemo again on Tuesday, and will begin taking Tylenol every 4-6 hours for at least two days, in an effort to try to contain the fever.

On that note, I am anxious about chemo on Tuesday, but confident that I can make it through. While I post about how bad I feel during chemo, it really isn't as bad as it could be. (Remember that I am a glass-half-full kind of person.) In truth, I feel crappy for about 4-6 days. After that, I start to feel human again, and eventually, I start to feel good (comparatively speaking). I am even able to return to work on the following Monday (by the way, I got approval to work more hours - more on that in a moment). So, compared to others going through more rigorous forms of chemo, I am really doing well. I look at others in the oncologists office, and see that they are having to live with ostomy bags, oxygen tanks, walkers, etc., and it makes me truly grateful for what I have.

Regarding work - I was given a note stating that I can return to work, up to 8 hours as tolerated, part-time (to accommodate my chemo schedule). Well, I upped my hours this Thursday and Friday to 6 hours, and it kicked my butt. So, while the mind would like to return to work full-time, my body is putting the kabash on that. I will be maintaining a 5-6 hour daily schedule until I feel ready to push it beyond that. As you all have warned me, I am trying to make sure that I read the signs my body is giving me, and not push myself into another hospital visit. See, I do read comments and listen to you! :-)

Other than that, things are going well. Levi is still in FL, and doing well - he's bored on the weekends, but hopefully he will be home soon. The kids are great - Kevin is feeling much better, thank you. And, Julia is having a blast at school. Overall, things are good. I am feeling optimistic about this upcoming round of chemo. Bill said that I won't have to repeat the two days of 5-FU that I missed from the last two round of chemo, but I have a feeling Dr. O is going to make me re-do those. If Bill's scenario pans out, I will be starting round 7 this week, and that means that I am on the downhill slide (7/12 rounds!!!). However, if Dr. O's scenario pans out, I am starting round 6. Either way, I am halfway done. And, that is such a milestone for me.

Don't get me wrong - one thing that the past month has taught me is to throw out all expectations of this treatments - things aren't going to go the way I want them to. I can't base my life on a prematurely set end-chemo date. I have to take each treatment one day at a time. So, while I know that I am halfway done with this particular kind of chemo, I have accepted (or at least understand) that I might have to either continue this chemo or start a new round, if things don't go the way I would like them to once I am done in December with this treatment plan. And, while I won't be impressed if I have to continue or start a new chemo, I also know that this is out of my hands, and I have to "roll with the punches", as they say.

Sigh - I just wish this was all over. Soon enough, right?
Tom H said...
I'm really that you're starting chemo back up again. It sucks that you go back to feeling crappy, but the sooner it's over, the better, eh?

While it sucks now, just think of how it look from the other side. You're so close to getting to feel that immense amount of relief when they say "this is the last one!".

Also, at least winter is coming up. While your cold sensitivity sucks, at least everyone else will want the heat on, too ;)
September 15, 2008 at 6:20 AM

Blogger Amanda: said...
Hang in there - just keep plugging away and things will be back to "normal" soon (the new normal, of course)!!

Good luck with your event! That's how I feel about the Relay for Life - I'm so passionate about raising awareness.
September 15, 2008 at 9:07 AM


I finally registered for my Undy 5000 team. Of course, the team is named "Michelle Will Win!!!" Really, could there be any other name? As I have said before, the walk/run is on November 15th here in Phoenix. You can find more information on the Colon Cancer Alliance website,, or directly through the Undy 5000 at 

If you haven't already received an email from me, please comment on this blog or email me with your email address, and I will shoot off your very own invitation to join my team. You can donate several ways - online, through snail mail, by joining the team and walking with me (be forewarned - you might have to help push my wheelchair!), etc. I am not asking for a lot - can you spare $5? That's awesome!!! 

This is a wonderful cause, and I hope that you make the decision to support me in it. My goal is $1000. I know it's a lofty goal and I might not make it - but, everything I can bring in to help raise awareness for this disease is going to help. I never expected to have to deal with this cancer. I never expected that I would be facing months of chemotherapy, and illness, and a lifestyle change. Who knows what life is going to throw at you - isn't it worth a few dollars to help make sure no one else has to go through what I am going through? 

Please, join me in this fight. You have asked me in the past what you can do to help - this is it.

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