Tuesday, September 30, 2008

SEPTEMBER 30, 2008

Well, today starts round 8 of chemo. While I am still excited about being on Round 8 of 12, I don't think the anxiety and anticipation of chemo gets any less over time. For me, it seems that the uncertainty of each round (how will it affect me, will I get the fever issue again, will I be sick, will I have ANY energy this round) gets worse each time. I don't know that anything will help make this easier. I don't think it's supposed to get easier. I guess this just reminds me each time that I don't have control over this disease, just over how I handle it. And that, ladies and gentlemen, isn't easy for me to take. But, I understand it, and I accept it (sort of).

So, keep me in your thoughts. Send good wishes my way - anti-fever, anti-nausea, anti-cancer wishes. It's going to be a rough three days, but then, after three days, it's all over for two weeks. Isn't that the power of positive thinking?!?!
Amanda: said...

Good luck! Hoping it's a breeze this time around :)
September 30, 2008 at 6:43 PM

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