Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well, today starts either Round 5, part deux, or Round 6. I should find out today. Either way, it's one step closer to the end of chemo (hopefully). I will try to blog tonight to let you know which round this is. I have a 1pm appt for chemo, and 1:30 appt with the PA, Bill. Hmph. Maybe he'll let me take these bandages off my neck from the port procedure.....

Oh - we spent Sunday with my friends, Jason and Jeff. It was so good to see them. Julia bonded to Jason instantly, and at one point, we headed to Best Buy to return something, and Jason and Julia played Guitar Hero. :-) Julia had a blast! We went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant, and then kind of hung out. It was really nice, b/c while I know Jason, I hadn't had much time to get to know Jeff really well, so we got a chance to talk, and I realized that I am SO glad to know him. He and Jason are both wonderful people, and I am so blessed to have them in my life.

All right, off to finish up things before Dad and I head out today. Think of me.......(isn't it funny - when I typed that, I heard Christine from "Phantom of the Opera" singing it - have you seen that movie? It's wonderful.....)

Anywhoo, have a wonderful day. More later!


Amanda: said...
Counting down to the end of chemo! Glad to hear that your CBC is holding steady - that's awesome!!!!

Jen Buck said I should let you know that I was JUST interviewed last week for our local news station about the importance of Clinical Trials. They are doing a special in conjunction with Stand Up To Cancer that should air sometime this week.

Our son was one of the first in our area to do a clinical trial of chemo only, no radiation for his malignant brain tumor, and it worked for him (4 1/2 years remission!!!), so we were asked to share our story to help raise awareness.

Whatever it takes to get the word out! Hope you handle this round of chemo well.
September 3, 2008 at 1:22 PM

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