Sunday, September 21, 2008

SEPTEMBER 21, 2008

Yesterday, Dad and I took the kids to The Wellness Community for a Phoenix Zoo Event. The Zoo-mobile came to TWC, and had a presentation with some animals. Let's see - what did they have there - a salamander, a king snake, a hedgehog, a millipede, and a raptor. It was awesome - I have some picture below. I was worried about the kids and how they would react, but they both seemed to really enjoy it. They even touched both the snake and the millipede, which I thought was pretty impressive.

Here are the pictures:

This is Dad and the kids watching the animals.

Kevin touching the king snake. This is a big deal for him b/c when he was about a year old, we saw a snake in the pet store, and he was, shall we say, less than enthusiastic about it.
Julia and the king snake.
This is the raptor that they had there. It was so cool - a huge bird that was rescued from the wild, and now spends its time making the rounds as the star of the show. 


 wyldirsh123 said...
I just saw your new picture in the "I Will Win" t-shirt. I must say Michelle, you look great! After all you've been through, it's amazing. I read the blog every week to keep up on your progress. You're very inspiring. Keep up the good work, you're doing great! Mary "Murph"
September 22, 2008 at 6:37 AM

Blogger Amanda: said...

I LOVE that pic of you in your shirt! What an inspiration you are, without even trying!!!
September 22, 2008 at 8:11 PM

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