Thursday, September 18, 2008

SEPTEMBER 18, 2008

...well. I mean, comparatively speaking, this round went well. I am exhausted and nauseous. I think those are my biggest two complaints this time 'round. Other than that, I am feeling okay. I was able to complete the entire round of chemo (woo!), and I consider that a huge success. I am still pretty tired today (the pump came out and I had my shot - ick), but I made it through. That's the biggest thing to me. The shot is causing some aching in my bones, but that's a normal side effect. 

What else? I think that's it. I joined Facebook recently. I didn't think I would ever do that, but now I am hooked. Darnit. Oh well - just another way to waste time. How am I going to keep up with all of this when I go back to school???
Amanda: said...
I'm glad that your round was relatively easy! The occasional break makes the rest seem a little more bearable, I think.

You'll have fun with Facebook - I had to limit myself on it time-wise, lol. I'd never get anything else done if I didn't!!!
September 19, 2008 at 9:03 AM

Blogger Ally said...
Hey Girl!! I am so happy to hear things are going well, considering! many hugs and sounds strong and determined!!!
I have a page on Myspace...hope you'll create a profile and join there too! my url is
hugs! and stay strong! love ya!
September 28, 2008 at 8:56 AM

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