Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MARCH 11, 2009

I think I mentioned recently that while at The Wellness Community the other day, I found out that there is a similar organization in England called Maggie's Place. It's a place for patients, survivors, and caregivers to go to get some of the emotional support that they need while dealing with cancer. My experiences with TWC here have been so positive and uplifting, and I thought it would be such an amazing experience to visit Maggie's in England.

So, I went to the website for this organization ( and got in touch with some people from their sites in London and Oxford. Lo and behold, I got an email back. From two people. I am beyond excited. I will be meeting with someone from the Oxford location next Friday, and I am hoping to be able to have the time to meet with someone on Monday in London (Jim & Tom - let me know what you think of this).

I don't know what I am expecting, if anything. I am excited to see what their locations look like. What they have there. I want to meet the people there, and to just make a personal connection. My goodness, what an amazing opportunity this is. How can I be more honored to be this sort of impromptu ambassador between these amazing organizations?

When I told Paula, the Executive Director at TWC here in Phoenix, about my connections, she was so excited. This is a wonderful relationship to build, and I can only begin to imagine the things we will learn from their group, and them from ours. My goodness - this could become a new job for me. :-) Michelle, cancer ambassador. I like the sound of that.


Carol Urban said...
Love it! Girl, you are too COOL! Awesome! High Five!

Do you promise to post info to your blog while you're in Britain? I can't wait to read about the goings on there.

I am so frikkin proud of you!
March 12, 2009 at 7:48 AM
Blogger Tina said...
I was recently diagnosed with colon cancer, and did a blog search for others who have gone thru this, and that is how I found your blog.
My tumor was found on Feb 6th, and my surgery was the 20th. I see my oncologist this coming Tues. the 17th.
I have read your entire blog (some of it more than once!) and am so grateful to you for writing about everthing you've gone thru! You are an inspiration to me, and I hope to get thru it all as well as you have. I started my blog hoping to help others in the future who are diagnosed with colon cancer, and I will do my best to keep it up to date and be honest about everything I experience.
Thank you for getting the message out about colon cancer awareness.
And thanks again for your blog! I hope it will be ok if in the future I write again with questions I might have.
I can't wait to be a survivor!!
March 14, 2009 at 10:10 AM

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