Thursday, March 19, 2009

MARCH 19, 2009

Well, I made it to England. It was a good trip - I slept more than I should have. I needed to read more than I did and get started on my final exam, but alas, that didn't happen. Oh well. The flight from Phoenix to SFO wasn't bad at all - once I got to SFO, I had to run (yes, run) from one terminal to the other, and only had minutes to spare to get on the plane. It was a good thing that I ate in Phoenix. The flight here wasn't bad at all...the plane was full, and I had a smelly guy next to me. Besides that, though, it was just fine. I slept for a good portion of it, and that made it go well. LOL! I met the boys at about 2:30, then took the bus to Oxford. We walked around for a while (what a gorgeous place - unbelievably gorgeous) then headed to tea. It was wonderful - we had vanilla tea, scones with clotted creme and strawberry jam, and some finger sandwiches. Delicious. We walked around some more, and I didn't take any pictures because I was too busy just staring. That's tomorrow. We then got back to their flat, and I was able to get cleaned up. (The airplanes don't have enough room to clean up, by the way). Then, we headed to the bar to meet with their friends for drinks, then off to dinner at a Lebanese restaurant. Delicious.

So, that's the quick version. I will try to update this, but I can't guarantee. I did make it here okay, and it's gorgeous. I am so excited to be here. It's awesome.


Carol Urban said...
WONDERFUL! Goal number two has been accomplished!

Goal number one was to kick cancer's as*, goal number two go to England. All that's left is goal number three which is to get your tattoo.

I'm still dreaming about mine. Might turn out to be just that though. Hubby doesn't want me to get one. :(
March 19, 2009 at 6:32 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Have a great time!!
March 20, 2009 at 9:19 AM

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