Tuesday, March 17, 2009

MARCH 17, 2009

I leave for England tomorrow. I am so excited. I can't believe that it's almost here. It's unreal to me that I will be on a plane tomorrow, heading to see my little (6'2" tall little) brother in England! I will do what I can to update the blog, but I am not going to make any guarantees. It's going to be a crazy busy couple of days, and I don't know that I will have the time (or the energy, quite frankly), but the thought will be there. We are going to take a TON of pictures, and I will post them when I get back.

Had my family in town this week - my Aunt Nancy (she's the one who made me to uber-cool quilt), her daughter Misti (who's a month younger than me), and 4 of the kids - Taylor and Tori, Misti's two daughters, and Alician and Hailey, Joey's two girls. It was so awesome to spend time with them. I had only seen Alician (pronounced Allyson) when she was a baby, so this was a neat experience for us all. Sunday, we went up to South Mountain and hung out up there. We saw a group of paragliders taking off from the tippy-top of the mountain (scared the bejeezus out of the girls - although Kevin LOVED it), had a picnic, then back to our house for beef brisket. Yum! It was such a treat to be able to spend time with them all, and to just have a good time.

So, off to the UK I head tomorrow. I can't believe it. Unreal - again, if I don't post between now and then, I will catch u with you on the flip side.......England, here I come.....


Carol Urban said...
Have a wonderful time! Be safe!

March 17, 2009 at 1:52 PM

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