Friday, March 20, 2009

MARCH 20, 2009

Wow - I am tired.  They wore me out today.  

Last night, we stayed up until 10:30 watching a movie.  Then, I crashed.  Out like a light.  Woke up at 7am to the birds chirping.  It was nice.  We got ready for the day and Jim and I headed out for breakfast in this quaint tea house.  Then, we met his friend Vicki and headed to the Maggie's Centre here in Oxford.  It was a wonderful visit.  We spent about 2 hours there, talking about everything from their programs to how Vickie and I dealt with our cancer.  It was a wonderful time, and just a truly wonder.  I was so glad to be there.  We got some pictures, which I will definitely post when I get some time.  

After that we had lunch at a delicious restaurant, then went on our whirlwind tour of Oxford.  We went to Oriel college, Christ's Church, we climbed St. Mary's tower, the covered market, and Cornmarket.  Basically, this is the oldest English speaking college in the world, and there are buildings here from the 14th century.  I was walking on cobblestone roads that were ancient, walking in churches that are older then the USA, and climbed a church tower that took a steep, very narrow, winding staircase ascend.  To say that the architecture here is breathtaking can't possibly begin to describe how beautiful and unbelievable it is.  There are spires that seem to touch the sky.  The buttresses in the buildings are beautifully detailed.  The exteriors of the buildings are just fascinating.  We went to Tom's college and I got to see the Middle Common Room (MCR), which is a gathering place for the graduate students.  (I know I am rambling, but I'm tired...)  We walked along the Isis River, which is actually the Thames.  We saw the most beautiful meadows and flowering trees and vines.  OH - the guys took me to see the dining hall where the dining scenes from Harry Potter were based on.  However, we took a picture of Tom and I on the staircase just outside.  (Making an assumption here that you have seen the movie....)  So, in the first movie, when the first years are greeted by Professor McGonagall on the staircase - yeah, I was there.  So. cool.  

What else?  Tonight we are having curry for dinner and will be watching a movie.  We spent some time with their friend Amelia today, and now we are hanging out with their other friend Rhi.   Tomorrow we are going punting (hopefully) and probably some more shopping.  I would like to get a purse or bag of some sort, plus a ring or piece of jewelry for me.  The kids will be getting surprises (so will Levi) when I get home.  Sunday we are heading into London, and Monday, Maggie's Centre and home.  Crazy.  I can't believe I have already been here for a day.  It's been a whirlwind couple of days, and I am exhausted.  I did switch my watch, so according to that, it's 6:30 here but when I think about it, it's only 11:30 'my' time.  Yikes.  When I woke up at 7 here this morning, it was truly midnight. Unreal.

So, I will post more later.  We are going to watch a movie, knit/crochet for a while, eat dinner, and have a good sleep (as they say here).  I am so happy to be here - it's been a wonderful trip, and I am so excited about what else we are going to do.  Words just can't describe the beauty, the sheer amazing historical sense I have being here.  It's just unreal. When I am more coherent, I will post more.  Meantime, have a wonderful day!


Carol Urban said...
One more thing we have in common -- KNITTING! WHOOEEE!! Did you visit any knitting shops? Oh, I want to go!!! Hugs!
March 23, 2009 at 9:06 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
So glad to hear you're having a great time! Stay safe, and keep the updates coming!!
March 24, 2009 at 10:00 AM
Blogger jnwhiteh said...
Carol, my partner and I both knit/crochet so we took her to an amazing shop called I Knit London, but they were closed the day we were around so we didn't get to show her one of our favorite places =)
March 26, 2009 at 4:39 PM

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