Thursday, March 26, 2009

MARCH 26, 2009

Honest, pictures have been downloaded and, as my brother put it, we need to put captions on those bitches. LOL! In the meantime, here's a sampling.

Tom and I in the dining hall they used as creative fodder for the
dining hall in the Harry Potter movies. 


Me punting. I don't know if Jim and Rhi are scared because they gave me control of the punt, or if they were trying to stay out of the picture. Either way, it's a fun picture. 

What would a visit to London be without the touristy picture of the red phone booth?

At Buckingham Palace, awaiting the Queen's dinner invitation...

At Maggie's Center.....Vicki is on the right. 

This might be my new blog photo. What do you think? 


Amanda: said...
LOVE the future blog photo! It's awesome, and eye catching, and HOPEFUL! Gotta love that.
March 27, 2009 at 6:51 AM
Blogger Carol Urban said...

Ditto here! I love the photo of your special t-shirt in front of Big Ben!

I am a country music fanatic, too. Anything by Kenny Chesney is so cheery it lifts your spirts. I only wanted to hear uplifting, happy songs when I was undergoing treatment. I know maintaining a positive outlook helps.
March 27, 2009 at 7:26 PM

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