Tuesday, March 24, 2009

MARCH 24, 2009

I made it home. Didn't want you all to worry. I have a list of things to tell you all, and picture are forthcoming, but I made it home safe and sound (if a bit tired). Will post more later, but the short version is that I had a fantastic, fabulous, wonderful, amazing, grand time. But, I am also glad to be home. :-) I missed my babies (all three of them...).

To my brother and Tom - words can't describe how happy I am that I got to share England with you. I am so grateful that you gave me this amazing opportunity, and that I got to make so many wonderful memories with you both. This was truly the trip of a lifetime.

To the rest - we have hundreds of pictures, so I will try to get them posted as soon as I can. And, as for an update on the remainder of the trip - it's coming. But, I'm tired....you might have to wait a few days. Not to worry, though - I wrote things down so I woudn't forget them. :-)


Amanda: said...
Welcome back stateside :) Glad you had an awesome time!
March 25, 2009 at 8:04 AM

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