Monday, March 30, 2009

MARCH 30, 2009

Hi Eric - I couldn't get your email from the blog, but I wanted to let you know that I am totally cool with you putting a link on your website to my blog. I would be honored...

My loving readers....please check out Eric's website, It's a great resource for those diagnosed with cancer. 

As always, I am humbled by people's response to my story, and I can only hope that what I have gone through will make ONE person's cancer journey a little easier to understand. My goal with this blog is to empower others to realize that it's okay to feel lost, scared, alone, happy, sad, joyous, crazy, nervous, wondrous, and normal, all at the same time. Knowing that others find my story a little inspiring - well, it makes what I have gone through over the past 10 months just a little easier to swallow, so to speak.


Well, this might not be a good week. Between job searching that has now extended back to, of all places, my hometown in NY, money concerns, extreme guilt, and a general feeling of impending doom about life in general (including my upcoming CEA/blood test), I have a feeling that this isn't going to be a good week. Is this fate's way of playing an early April Fool's Day joke on me? Not funny.


Amanda: said...
I feel ya. I updated my blog with the current health stuff in my life...
March 30, 2009 at 8:39 PM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
Why are you feeling guilty? Surviving? Be happy! Don't feel guilty!

Your CEA level is going to be down! What was it last time? I have absolute faith about this!

"Don't worry ... be happy!" :)
March 31, 2009 at 4:27 AM

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