Thursday, March 5, 2009

MARCH 5, 2009

This is the text of an email I sent out to all of the people in my contact list. Please, consider copying it, and sending it to all of the people in YOUR contact list. How many people can we hit with this? Imagine the sea of blue you could see at your school, office, hangout, etc. tomorrow. Imagine knowing that you touched that many lives, as you have mine. Please, imagine yourself living in a world where colon cancer is something people dont suffer from, don't have to worry about......

Please - wear blue tomorrow, and make people ask you WHY you are wearing blue.

To my family and friends....

Tomorrow, March 6th, is the first annual "Dress in Blue" day, to help raise awareness for colon cancer. As you well know, I battled this disease last year, and am currently enjoying my status as colon cancer ass-kicker and survivor. I ask that you participate in this event, and that you spread the word. Colon cancer effects more people annually than breast cancer and AIDS combined. This number is staggering. Even more alarming? Every nine minutes, someone dies from colon cancer. And, this year alone, they estimate that 150,000 people will be diagnosed with this disease. Think about those numbers.
Then, think of this. This disease is 90% preventable through routine colonoscopies. When caught in the early stages, this disease is treatable, and beatable. I am the perfect example of that. I am also the perfect example to prove that colon cancer doesn't just affect older men. It affects more and more young people daily, and raising awareness of the symptoms and the need for testing is the only way we are going to be able to beat this monster.

So, please consider wearing one article of clothing tomorrow that is royal blue in color. Proudly wear this, and please voice your reasons for wearing blue to all that you encounter. Give them my blog address. Spread the word. Help me to eradicate this disease, and to make sure that no one else in the world has to go through what I, and my family, have endured over the past year.

With love, well wishes, and hope for the future....

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