Monday, June 15, 2009

JUNE 15, 2009

Check this out.

If you haven't already seen the 
Voices of Survivorswebsite, please go to it. It's amazing. VOS is a website that provides cancer survivors with a place to voice what survivorship means to them. I think it's a place that provides hope for all patients, and we all need a little bit of that. 

I was contacted by the founder, Lynn Lane, and asked to write a piece describing what being a survivor means to me. My readers (I love saying that) will understand that I have struggled with this term in the past. I still do. But, Lynn has given me a place to be able to express that, and to allow others to feel the same way. Pretty cool.

I had the opportunity to speak with Lynn last night for a while. He's an amazing inspiration to me. He's a wonderful human being who's using his talents and his skills to give voice to those of us who wouldn't otherwise be able to have that chance. He works closely with i[2]y and other organizations. He's one more person that I consider myself blessed to be in the presence of. 

Lynn - from the bottom of my heart, thank you, friend. 

So, read up. Check out the other written words, the videos on the site. Check out the new blog section. And, make this site one of the ones you check out regularly. Lynn is in the process of making some major modifications to it, and from the way it sounds, this website is going to be unbelievable. It gives voice to people that need to be heard. 

And, if you're on Facebook and haven't added me, send me a comment/email with your contact information and I'll "friend" you. And, don't forget to add "Voices of Survivors" to your friend list, as well. You won't regret it.


Lynn Lane said... are amazing to me. I can't thank you enough for your kind words and such a wonderful phone conversation this weekend. I took a lot away from that and have thought about it quite a bit. Thank you also for sharing your 'voice' with "Voices of Survivors"! You are a 'Survivor'!!!

Lynn Lane
Voices of Survivors
June 17, 2009 at 10:23 PM


This weekend, I have to change the title sentence thing-y at the top of my blog. I won't be 32. Nope - made it through that year. On to 33. And, gloriously.

Woah. I sense a meaningful post coming here. Not tonight, though. Michelle + Yoga = Tired. So, off to bed I go.

However, it's very cool that I get to celebrate my birthday (and the year from hell) by getting my tattoo.

So exciting.


Carol Urban said...
Happy Birthday girlfriend! Another year! YEAH!!

Phil is now saying he doesn't want me to get my tattoo because he fears I will get hepatitis. Do you worry about that at all?
June 16, 2009 at 9:19 AM
Blogger Tina said...

Yay for birthdays (esp. when you're so dang young!)!!
I'm the type or person who would NEVER get a tattoo (maybe as a teenager--I was alot different then!), but I've been considering getting one over my port scar once I have it removed (Isn't that where you are getting yours? I probably got the idea from you.). It just seems like a permanent way to mark the battle I've been thru, and the victory over cancer!
I hope you post a pic of yours--I can't wait to see it!!
June 16, 2009 at 6:56 PM

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