Wednesday, June 24, 2009

JUNE 24, 2009

Consider me duly humbled, grateful, and scolded. Since my post last night, I have had a flurry of emails from friends, readers, and the like asking what they can do for me. I apparently (unknowingly) sent my friends and others on a whirlwind search for assistance on-line with our problem. I have had people calling and emailing me all day. All because of one post with the F word.

So, the bottom line is this. I needed to vent. I needed to get things off my chest in order to be able to deal with them. And, admittedly, I needed people to help me do that. I did need help. Knowing that my friends dropped everything to help me the moment I hit "Publish Post" is completely and utterly overwhelming. You can't even begin to imagine.

Short story - I am feeling better today. Not "walking on sunshine" great, but I-can-finally-breathe again better. Why? Because I have a plan. It might not be the best out there, but it's what I have.

I have a meeting tomorrow with a government-certified financial counselor to try to see if there's anyway to make it through, modify the loan, get a forbearance, etc. I will (as someone recommended-thanks, WW) make sure to ask questions and read the fine print and get a lawyer/my mortgage broker involved. I also am filing paperwork with my mortgage company tomorrow morning to get their loss mitigation department involved. I may have a potential opportunity to make money on the side, nights/weekends, from home. That will help.

Regarding the other items, my friend Kevin and I talked through a couple of things on my budget today, and he gave me some good ideas. So, I will be taking those into consideration and definitely taking his advice.

I have been given an amazing lesson today. Well, probably several, but one that I can work through today. I was told today that I'm too damn proud and stubborn. And, my mom recently told me that I have always been WAY more independent than she is, almost to a fault. I don't know why this is. I guess I always feel guilty when people DO for me. I want to do for others - I want to help in any way that I can. But, when people offer me help, I balk. There are others out there in MUCH worse situations that I am. We should be helping them. I felt this way during my cancer, too. Yes, it sucked. Yes, it was awful. But, I was alive. And, I had a chance at beating it. Others, they didn't have those luxuries.

However, I have had to learn, VERY QUICKLY, that sometimes, I can't shoulder the burdens of life by myself. I hate to be a burden to people (sorry, Kevin...), but it's just how I'm made. I don't want people to have to take care of me. It pisses me off. But, apparently, this is a time where pride and dignity have to take a backseat, and I need to accept that sometimes, a helping hand is the best gift ever.


I am so humbled that people think this highly of me. I am flabbergasted that they feel that I have, along the way, done something that has warranted their friendship. I don't see what I did to deserve this. But, I intend on going through the rest of my life paying them back and paying it forward. It's the very least I can do. I hope that I can, at some point, give someone else the hope that I have been given, and maybe allow them to sleep a little better, breathe a little easier, and enjoy their kids laughing one more time.

My friends made me cry three times today. I probably needed that. And, while I don't know that the solution I want is what's going to happen, I am getting back to the point where I have faith.

That doesn't mean, by any stretch, that I have forgotten about the conversation a certain person (ahem, heaven) and I are going to have. I am still angry. I am still frustrated. Kevin gave me a book in the Bible to read. I don't normally do this, but I will be tonight. After I work out. :-)

Anyone with time and energy to help me through the emotional/spiritual, let me know. I can't bring myself to try to start with a new church right now. I may have to hoof it to the one that helped us out so much at the beginning of chemo. I need to be with people, and I need to understand certain things. I have SO many questions, and no answers. I don't like that.

So, the short answer is, I am better than last night. Still upset, depressed, etc. Not ready to jump out the window anymore (besides, we have a single-story house - wouldn't do much good anyways), but still not 100%. Kevin - I forgot to make the call today about the mental health counseling. Hoping tomorrow.

I think that's it. If you are in a similar situation, please please please seek out help. If you want them, I will send you the information I have been given. I am trying to wade through it and find what I think would be most helpful - might not get to it until Friday afternoon, when I should be working but won't be because of the work reduction. Well, I should put that time to good use.

Hugs to you all. I can't even put into words what you mean to me.


Heat said...
I didn't know you had a blog until just now when I saw your status on Facebook...

Because I'm late to an appointment, I'll be briefer than my thoughts actually are, but it will at least prevent the thoughts from being lost forever...

First, I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Frame of mind is everything when you're dealing with all the shit life throws at you.

Second, as far as receiving help: I was like that, too. I don't want anyone to help me. I can do it myself. I don't want to be an inconvenience, I don't want to be a burden, and I don't want to be weak.

And then somewhere along the line (during treatment), I realized: if someone I was friends with was going through what I'm going through, I would help them without thinking twice about it. It would not be a burden. It would not be inconvenient. They would not be weaker for asking or accepting. It's just what friends do.

I can give you some suggestions on budgeting and all that, if you want. I'll send them through Facebook, but probably not until the weekend, at which point I'm likely to forget, so send me a message and remind me :)

I also have had training in effectively creating affirmations and visualizations (with regards to anything connected to yourself). If you want info on that, let me know. I know a couple of people who have dug themselves out of financial holes (over time) using this stuff.

Good luck. Be strong. Have faith.

You asked what this is preparing you for? Just plain ol' living. Just because you're getting stronger doesn't necessarily mean it's going to do any more than just be part of you.
June 24, 2009 at 7:56 PM
OpenID krolla0123 said...
Hello :) We don't know each other, but we have a couple of mutual friends. One of them filled me in on your story today.

First of all, I'm sorry that you have all of this to go through. Cancer is straight from the pit of hell, in my opinion. I've seen and experienced way too much to think otherwise.

I also have experience with loosing a home (brand new dream house), a business (having to file bankrupcy), and having to move to an apartment. It was our worse case scenario... and honestly, it really wasn't so bad. The apartment complex had a pool and workout room. :) And the freedom of knowing we could feed our child AND make our rent payment was actually pretty wonderful. You quickly forget about what material stuff you might be missing. We discovered it just wasn't worth it. That time allowed us to regroup and learn from our mistakes. Nine months later, we were moving into a new home in a starter neighborhood in the city (though our neighbors are 100x better than the other house in the new suburban development) and has felt so much more like home than our "pretty prison" ever did.

I hope this doesn't come off as trite. I don't pretend to know the situation you're going through. I know our situation was hell for a long time. Years. A miscarriage, loss of two children, and loss of several close family members and the failing business took a huge toll on us an our marriage. I doubted God and his goodness or even his willingness to acknowledge that we were trying as hard as we could and only seemed to be crushed more. But standing on the other side now... every bit of that had a purpose in defining who we are now and who we're able to relate to and help. My husband would not have the job he has not if his business had not failed.. I would not have learned what I needed to learn to launch a successful business. And my kids would probably still be in daycare because we would have still been working tirelessly to pay for stuff we didn't need anyway. That's our story. Please know that God is still good. His people still care about you. And you are not alone.

And for additional reading... because I still question God on the cancer thing... check out David Wenzel's blog:

Just found out he has a brain tumor about two weeks ago. Also super young guy. But has an amazing insight into our Father -- I'm learning so much as he goes through this...

Best wishes... :) It will be OK. You will thrive through this.
June 24, 2009 at 9:42 PM
Blogger Nancy said...

Michelle,I have put you on our Prayer list at Church,believe you are not alone.God is with you every step of the way,just trust and speak to him and he will listen.He has gotten you this far he will carry you to better times.You are carrying such a heavy load you need to put some of it on Our Heavenly Fathers shoulders.There is all kinds of help sweetie,reach out and grab for it,You deserve peace of mind and God will find the way for you.
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble,You will revive me;You will stretch out Your hand Against the wrath of my enemies,And Your right hand will save me."Psalms138;7....I love you sweetie.God watch over this special daughter of yours,she is in need of Your help Lord,You have been carrying her for some time, Please Lord get her through these hard times and let her see you are the way.In Jesus name Amen.
June 25, 2009 at 5:15 AM

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