Monday, June 29, 2009

JUNE 29, 2009

Wanted to update you guys really quickly - all is well. Not great, but better. Not awesome, but better. I don't feel like I am ready to kill someone any longer, so that's a plus. I don't have any more answers, but I feel like I have a path and a goal. By the end of this week or the beginning of next week, I will have final confirmation on a part-time job, which will help things out significantly. I don't know that it'll put us in the black, but it will definitely help.

This week, I will become an Aunt for the first time (well, biologically). I have an amazing assortment of nieces and nephews, but my brother is in the hospital with Ashley right now, being induced. So cool.

And, my parents called me yesterday and we made arrangements - when Julia heads back to NY with my Dad in July, Kevin will be going with them. I will, for the first time in 7+ years, be child-less. And, for the first time EVER, I will be alone for a month. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself, but I will probably get some time in at TWC and maybe, just maybe, relax. This seems to be a foreign word that people like to throw around and I suppose I should become more familiar with it's meaning. :-)

So, I will update more as I can, but for now, it's off to get the kiddos to bed, and then to work on some paperwork.

Have a wonderful week. Keep me in your prayers. PET scan tomorrow afternoon. Won't have results right away, but any positive thoughts help.


Kevin said...
Wow no kids for a whole month (that includes Levi, sorry Levi! :-D) You must be excited. Break out that book you have been wanting to read, or pick up that hobby you have been meaning to try. It may be a long time before you have peace and quite like that. We will be praying for you tomorrow.
June 29, 2009 at 9:23 PM
Blogger Daria said...
Hoping for the bet with your PET scan ... positive thoughts coming your way.
June 30, 2009 at 3:46 AM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
My PET scan is scheduled for July 13. I'm not looking forward to it. Hate the hour long drive to get there. Hate the cold drink; leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Hate the IV, hate the contrast dye, just plain old hate being there. Ugg!

I've been having a lot of bad dreams lately related to the PET scan. Fears of bad outcome, etc. I think that is pretty much normal for what we've all been through. Just really hoping it settles down.

Maybe with the kids gone for the month you will get a chance to sit and knit? LOL!
June 30, 2009 at 4:47 AM

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