Sunday, June 21, 2009

JUNE 21, 2009

I made it - another year down. Woo! I made it to another birthday. Most women my age wouldn't be celebrating the movement towards 40 - I relish in it.

A year ago, I was celebrating my Dad's arrival from NY - he drove. I was celebrating my birthday with friends (Kevin, Shannon and their kids) and family (Levi, kids, Levi's mom, and my parents).

I use the term celebrate VERY loosely. Celebrate at that point in time meant to talk with people and try to be social. I was two days out of the end of my first chemo treatment. I was exhausted, nauseous, and mentally drained.

This year? We slept in until 6am (which, in my world, is SLEEPING in!) The kids and I enjoyed lunch at McDonalds. We did groceries and errands and a myriad of other fairly normal things. It was wonderful.

Wonderful to be doing normal things again. It's such a nice feeling.

So, happy birthday to me. Here's to a hundred more celebrations. All of them MUCH more energetic than last years.

And, I did change the title thing-y on my blog. I am now a 33-year old cancer ass-kicker.

Bite it, cancer.


Caroline said...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Did you know American Cancer society has a More Birthdays program? They will sponsor people's birthdays... And want everyone to have more. I need to findout more myself by have three months until my birthday...
June 22, 2009 at 3:52 AM
Blogger Daria said...

Happy Birthday!... and many more.
June 22, 2009 at 5:29 AM

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