Saturday, June 6, 2009

JUNE 6, 2009

And, here we are again. On TV. Woo!

This is a report from the Cancer Survivor Day Celebration at The Wellness Community today. I will post a bit more about it in a moment, but here's the video from one of the TV stations that interviewed me. Yes, one of them. I had two courting me. (It was pretty cool...)

I am still looking for the other one.


Tina said...
so cool!!!
June 7, 2009 at 7:56 PM


First, congratulations to all cancer fighters and survivors. Tomorrow is Cancer Survivor Celebration Day, and I think I would be remiss if I didn't recognize my fellow fighters. We rule. This isn't a choice we have made, but it's one we have made the choice to LIVE with. What other choice is there? I don't like to think about it.

Now, how did we celebrate? Well, the kids and I headed to TWC (The Wellness Community) for their celebration. Earlier this week, Paula and Jamie (the Executive Director and my group leader) asked me to accept a check on TWCs behalf from the Phoenix Suns. So, the kids and I headed down, ready for just about anything.

We got out of the house fairly early and got to the house at what I thought was early. But, the parking lot was already mostly full. I am so glad we got there when we did. The kids and I played in a bubble pool, got balloon animals (Julia got a flower, a monkey, and a kitty - Kevin got Lightening McQueen and something else that I can't remember right now...), Julia got her face painted, and Julia and I made beaded necklaces from a company called Beads of Courage. (They do bead work jewelery with young cancer patients in the hospitals, among other things.)

Then, at 10:30, the kids and I got our official TWC tee shirts on, got all prettied up, and headed out to accept the check for TWC. What a chaotic mess, and what fun! The CEO/owner and another part-owner were there to present the check, the Phoenix Suns Gorilla was there, they had other kids there with us - it was AWESOME! Basically, we all stood up in front of about 100 people while Paula introduced the CEO/owners, who both gave a nice speech about why they are giving their largest donation all year (!!!) to TWC, and both told of their own personal stories of involvement with the group. Then, they brough out one of those huge checks that we all would like to see - for $100,000!!! Unbelievable. They presented the check to me, there was the obligatory pictures of all of us holding the check, and then they asked me to say a few words, which I did. After that, the Suns Gorilla came bounding into the room, whereupon Julia was given the duty of presenting him with bananas and a tee-shirt. Very cool.

During my speech, Julia asked if she could speak to the group, and the crowd thought that was the cutest thing. Poor Kevin was NOT nearly as impressed as Julia. He's a pretty quiet kid and doesn't like too much noise or activity, so this was WAY too much for him. Then, we put a 5 foot tall jumping gorilla into the mix, and well, he wasn't happy.

Afterwards, I had a couple of TV stations ask to speak with me, so for the next hour, I was being ushered around from one location to another, talking with people, being introduced, and saying my piece. It was truly an honor. I have posted one of the videos - as we speak, I am watching the other news station to see the story, and as soon as I can find it, I will post it as another link.

The rest of the day was spent talking with other survivors, including people that I knew and new friends. My friend Anissa was there, and I can't wait to see the pictures she snapped of everything. The kids and I had a wonderful time, and it was such an honor to be there to join in with those celebrations.

As soon as I have pictures and updates, I will let you know. Meantime, I should also post that Mom and Levi went to the i[2]y event in Syracuse this afternoon, and met up with MZ and Aaron. Can you say JEALOUS! I am so glad that they went - thank you a hundred times over to them. It means so much to me to have that connection, and I can't wait until we can start having those events here.

All right - tired baby is crying about something which I am sure is a major catastrophe....LOL!!!!


Amanda: said...
Sounds awesome! What a huge honor - and an AMAZING donation!!!
June 6, 2009 at 7:28 PM
Blogger Carol Urban said...
As I have said before, and will most likely say again, you are amazing! God gave you such a gift to be able to speak in front of people and to speak for so many people! Way to go! I am truly proud of you!
June 7, 2009 at 11:15 AM
Blogger Dennis Pyritz, RN said...

Open invitation to you and your readers to participate in the Being Cancer Book Club. This month we are discussing “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. “...the lecture he gave ... was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because “time is all you have…and you may find one day that you have less than you think”). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living.”
Monday is Book Club day; Tuesday Guest Blog and Friday Cancer News Roundup.
Also check out Cancer Blog Links containing almost 200 blog links and Cancer Resources with 230 referenced sites, both divided into disease categories.
Please accept this invitation to join our growing cancer blogging community at
Take care, Dennis
June 8, 2009 at 4:04 PM

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