Thursday, June 18, 2009

JUNE 18, 2009

Holy cow - a year ago yesterday, I started what was undoubtedly the hardest thing I have EVER done. I started chemo. I can't believe it didn't dawn on me.

And yet, how can I be surprised? I am back to living my life. I have gotten to the point (well, somewhat) that I have moved onto being a cancer ass-kicker. I am trying not to dwell on what happened. I have gone back and read the posts from my first several treatments. It was tough - I won't deny it. (Jimmy - you were absolutely right - I need to read them and comment on them - they are so powerful...) It took me back to those days, and I realized that as much as I was including, there is so much more that I didn't include. I guess I couldn't really talk about it. I wasn't at a point where I could comment on it, yet. Now, being a year past it, I suppose it's time.

However, I am not going to do that here and now. I will wait until I have the time to really absorb the posting from those first treatment days, and I will give them the due diligence they deserve.

I just needed to post something commemorating this day. Today, a year ago, I was well into day two of my first chemo treatment. It was the beginning of a long, painful, powerful journey. And, one I am DAMN proud to have taken.

To all of my cancer-family ('cuz that's what you truly are - extended family) that are fighting - continue kicking ass. I know it doesn't feel like that's what you are doing. You're exhausted. You're sick. You're tired of fighting. KEEP FIGHTING. DON'T STOP. You are getting there, and you WILL get there. Take my motto - you WILL win. Get pissed off at the cancer, and use that energy to fight those bastard cells. I am still fighting - while I'm not necessarily fighting the same battle as you (in that I'm not actively in treatment), we are in the same war. I continue to get pissed on all our behalfs. I get frustrated and irritated and f-ing mad. And, that's why I do what I do.

That's why I will continue to advocate for colon cancer patients. That's why I will continue to advocate for young adult cancer patients. That's why I will continue to support buddies and fighters (through CCA and Imerman Angels). And, that's why I will continue to tell people about my ass cancer, my symptoms, my treatment, and why THEY need to be tested.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - cancer, you picked the wrong bitch to mess with.

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