Sunday, April 12, 2009

APRIL 12, 2009

I am not a religious person, per se, though I do have my own opinions on the matter. But, in spite of that, I use these holidays to reflect on my life (especially lately) and to take stock of where I've been, what we've been through, and to look forward to the next several decades of my life. 

So, to all of you out there, Happy Easter/Passover, and hugs to you all. 

This weekend was Julia's 7th birthday party, and it inevitably made me think of where I was last year at this time. Her birthday was really the last big celebration we had in our family before I was diagnosed in May. I was thinking a lot yesterday about the kind of person I was back then, and how I was able to live life having this beast inside of me and not knowing it was there. I thank God that I was given the chance to be diagnosed, because it saved my life. Literally.

So, we had 12 kids at the party yesterday, and in spite of living in AZ, it rained. First rainfall in 9 weeks, and it had to be yesterday. So, all of my cool ideas for letting the kids run off their sugar-intake outside were blown to bits. Instead, we played inside. P.S. -If you are holding a child's birthday party, 2 hours is a great time frame. :-)

While I want to sit and ponder the thoughts running through my head about the upcoming cancerversary, I have laundry to do. I have bills to pay (blech) and I have an Easter dinner to go to. So, I'll end by saying that the next month will be, for me, fairly emotional as I get my blood work back, and start thinking about where I was at this time last year. And, I am sure among the emotions I will experience will be mourning, sorrow, joy, excitement, and relief. 

Happy Easter all! Bunny hugs!


Daria said...
Happy Easter and hugs to you too!
April 12, 2009 at 11:55 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Cancerversary - I like that!! Can I use that?? I promise to give you all the credit :)

Joshua will celebrate at the beginning of May - he will hit 5 years since diagnosis. In December, we'll hit 5 years from the end of treatment. Whoa - feels funny writing that.

Hope your Easter was so very blessed!!!
April 13, 2009 at 7:55 AM


Do you need a smile? Watch this.


Daria said...
Very cool!
April 12, 2009 at 12:11 PM

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