Wednesday, April 29, 2009

APRIL 29, 2009

I spent the majority of the weekend working at the CCA-Central AZ table at the Women's Expo. It was, in a word, AWESOME! Tiring, but totally worth it. I don't have all the time I would like to tell you the story in detail, but suffice it to say that it was one of the most rewarding things I have done in a REALLY long time. I worked all day on Saturday, and a good portion of Sunday. Thanks to all that worked with me and put up with me shoving our materials into people's faces. I was very loud, very irritating, and made people see and listen to me. Hey - it's a gift!

OH! I also represented i[2]y, or I'm Too Young For This (their website is Jackie and I worked to get the word out about this amazing group. She and I are working to try to establish a local chapter, and hope that many of you are interested. This is a group that supports young adult (18-40 yrs old) cancer patients through support systems, social events, and some fairly new-fangled technologies, like this thing called the internet, blogging, twitter, and an on-line weekly radio show. It's a fantastic group, and I couldn't be prouder to be part of both of these organizations. 

Here are some pictures of the weekend. Aunt Nancy - yes, your quilt was on display and a HUGE hit again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - you inspired so many people this weekend. And, you made a LOT of people smile. Isn't this a great life?

Aunt Nancy's quilt. We were on a corner, and this was prominently displayed so that people walking down the aisle saw it. It definitely garnered a lot of attention. And, no, the calendar attached to it isn't some sort of skin calendar. On the contrary - these are "Colonders" that are put out by The Colon Club every year, and they feature (I think this is right) colon cancer survivors that were all diagnosed under the age of 40 (it's the age I'm not too sure on). Either way, it's a compelling way to make a statement, and to show people these scars that we wear proudly. At least, I wear mine with pride. I earned these, damnit, and if you don't like this reminder of what this disease can do to your body, then look away. I'm displaying mine loud, proud, and in color. It's like a badge of honor to me. 

All of our materials on display. Very fancy, huh? 

Our entire display. 

Jackie and me, just hanging out. I am waiting for picture of me with the other people that worked the table. As soon as I have them, I will post them. However, I do need to get one of the "Stupid Cancer" tee shirts. Hmmm.....

Right next door to our booth was The Wellness Community. AWESOME! I didn't really take too close of a look until someone mentioned to me that my picture was at their booth. Say what? So, here's their booth.

Look closely at the floor poster on the right hand side. Second picture down.

Oh yes. That's me and my babies. Center stage, as always. :-) Aren't they gorgeous. This is the picture that The Wellness Community used in their Endowment Campaign and the Voices of Hope book that they asked us to take part in. Absolutely amazing that we might have an impact on someone. Just incredible.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I live a great life. 


Carol Urban said...
Wow! This is incredible! I am SO amazed by what you've accomplished. Just wonderful!
April 30, 2009 at 6:32 AM
Blogger Tina said...
I'm so proud of you! You go girl! Thanks you representing us. It is a gift--one I don't have to be out there and be so bold! I was reading the "2009 Colondar" stories recently and the age is survivors under 50. Amazing stories on there--so inspirational.
Keep up the good work!
April 30, 2009 at 7:43 AM
Blogger Amanda: said...
Awesome! What an advocate you're becoming - it's fun to see! Way to take something crappy and turn it into something great :)
April 30, 2009 at 7:52 AM
Blogger Dennis Pyritz, RN said...
Keep up the good work, keep fighting the good fight. I have added you to my Cancer Blogs Links Page. Take care, Dennis
April 30, 2009 at 9:08 AM
Blogger Nancy said...

you are such a strong young women and Know how proud I am of all this work you are doing.Some people never stop asking the question...why me what am I to do?Well sweetie you know what to do and are going full force at it.The lives you touch are a hero and I am so glad to be able to tell people your story.God wants you for a special job and you are doing it ...with his Blessing.I love you sweeie and so look forward to hearing all the stories and the weekend and later
April 30, 2009 at 2:14 PM

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