Thursday, April 23, 2009

APRIL 23, 2009

Holy cow.....I posted my status yesterday evening on Facebook, something along the lines of my blood work being normal and all being well. Plus, I posted the blog notice here.

By this morning, I had 17 comments to my Facebook post, and 3 comments on my blog here. I am SO BLESSED! It's amazing to me that I have that many people watching me, keeping an eye on me, and making sure that all is well in Michelle's body.

I was sitting here, reading the comments to my Facebook status, and seeing the emails from my blog, and got totally verklempt. How can I have so many people that love me THIS MUCH?

It's completely overwhelming. There aren't words that can possibly describe the emotions I am feeling right now.

On a sadder note, I have had a LOT of bad medical news regarding friends and family this week. Many cancer related issues (anyone who knows Betty Rose, please email me and I'll get you a status update), including a good friend in the CCU, a friend of a friend that is battling stage 4 breast cancer, the father of a friend who has had prostate cancer for a year and a half but didn't tell anyone and hasn't been taking his meds, a friend who is dealing with the news that her unborn daughter has a hole in her heart, and another friend going in for surgery tomorrow. While I am so excited about my news, it's definitely tampered by the worries of friends and family. *sigh*

When it rains, it pours. But, I am trying to revel in my own healthy body, and to remember that I have faith that things will work out for the best.


Wow - I just looked at my calendar, and it's one more month until my one-year anniversary of my diagnosis. Or, as a friend calls it, a cancer-versary. (I might have a shirt made...)

Holy cow. I knew this time was coming, but I also have been ignoring it. Seeing and realizing that makes me think - it's going to be pretty emotional. Especially b/c I will be in AZ alone with my kids. I think I may take them to the zoo or something - something to celebrate living. Something that will be a kick in the face of cancer. Something that will prove to all of the patients and survivors out there that this CAN be beaten, and in 12 short months, you can beat this thing, and live your life, and move past it.

But, I know I will mourn. I know it's going to be emotional. And, I know I need to deal with those emotions. Just not yet....


Nancy said...
and oh what a day it will need to celebrate,with every good word or any word at all I always thank our Heavenly Father that we have the chance to hear those words and that they be good words.You and the family needs to have a few good things going on and it is going to happen. will get those dates out to you later...lots of my love ..later
April 23, 2009 at 1:29 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...

Tomorrow will be Joshua's 5 year Cancer-versary. Just think - in no time, you'll be celebrating that too!!

We had a party tonight. You should have one too :)
April 26, 2009 at 8:02 PM

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