Friday, April 17, 2009

APRIL 17, 2009

Short story: no work in AZ = Levi headed to NY for work. He's been out of work for 6 months, and it's really getting to a point where we needed to take extreme measures to get him a job. He contacted a former employer and was offered a position with him - so, it looks like he'll be in Syracuse for at least 6 months, unless he finds something here sooner.

So, I'm single-momming it. Tough, but we've done this before. Not usually this long of a time apart and (for me) not with two kids, but we'll make it work. Consider it something else to build my character.

And, I know we'll see him in August when we all go back for my brother's wedding. I can't wait. Is it too soon to start the countdown?


Amanda: said...
Man, that would be super rough. Hopefully he's home sooner rather than later!! Hang in there!
April 20, 2009 at 8:46 AM


Just a thought - what's lonelier? Leaving someone, or being left. Having been on both sides of this, I think being left is much lonelier. Can you tell I'm missing my husband? It's Friday - usually, tonight's the night we take the kids for a cheap dinner out, then head to the grocery store. I have plans for tonight and the entire weekend, and yet, there's a hole left. I am missing half of me. I am missing my love.

I have been through this kind of working-in-separate-states before with him. Matter of fact, since we first got together, this has been a fairly common routine. However, I don't think it has gotten any easier. I am certainly busier, and thus, I don't dwell on his absence, isn't any easier.

Just had to get this out. Is there a relationship between this and cancer? I think one can definitely be made. I don't want to explore it now, but it's something (more) to think about.


Daria said...

Oh I feel for you .... damn economy.
April 17, 2009 at 3:23 PM

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