Tuesday, April 14, 2009

APRIL 14, 2009

I just read an article about a woman that faked cancer to get the money from an insurance policy she took out. I actually found an article on msnbc.com, and googled "Woman who faked cancer diagnosis" or something along those lines, and came up with a disturbing number of hits, all relating to people that have faked a diagnosis of cancer in order to obtain money, sympathy, donations, etc.

Are you f-ing kidding me?!?! As a cancer ass-kicker, this pisses me off more than anything I have read in a while. What kind of f-ed up person thinks this is a good way to obtain sympathy for themselves? What kind of person thinks THIS would be a good way to cheat their friends, family, insurance, work, etc. It makes me want to find these people and kick them in the head.

Wow - I have tried to keep calm about a lot of things lately that I have seen/heard that make me upset. I realize that people have their own problems, and I try to be understanding about seeing their perspective and maybe gaining some insight into why they made a certain decision. I can understand that times are tough - everyone is struggling, and some people are worse off than others. My family has been very lucky and we have somehow been able to keep our heads above water . However, never in my life (even before cancer) would I have ever said, hey, if I pretend to have cancer, people might give me money, donate their vacation time, etc.

ARGH! I know this isn't the first time someone has been accused of this, and I unfortunately know that this isn't the last time someone will pull this shit. However, this is the first time I have come across an article like this since I got sick, and it makes me so angry I'm seeing red.

I know it's evil, and I am sure that people will likely rake me over the coals for this, but I would love to have the chance to sit down with someone like that, and hand over all my cancer cells and say here, you want it, you have it. Here you go - with all the love in my heart (insert dripping sarcasm here).

*Sigh* What the hell is the world coming to? Really. Things like this make me wonder why in the world I get cancer (I feel like I've lived a pretty decent life), yet people like this will probably live until they are 105, happy and healthy. Not fair. I have to hope that someone like this will end up writhing in hell, for eternity.

Sorry for the cursing - this just pisses me off like very few things do. I know it's because I have dealt with it and because I am personally offended by this (though offended doesn't begin to describe what I'm feeling), but please. THIS is your solution?


Carol Urban said...
Uh, this makes me kinda want to wish cancer on them FOR REAL! Then they can get a dose of what millions of people struggle with.
April 14, 2009 at 1:33 PM
Blogger Tina said...
I agree with both of you. Some people are soooo clueless. They have no idea what its like to suffer thru this, and I wish they could experience all the crap and pain we go thru with the treatments, etc. One can only hope they'll figure it out someday and be filled with remorse. There is just no excuse for this!
April 14, 2009 at 1:38 PM
Blogger Amanda: said...
That's just so sad... Can you imagine being that desperate? I wonder what karma has in store for them... Why do there have to be people like that in the world?
April 15, 2009 at 7:56 AM
Blogger Caroline said...

I was just blogging about another moron around here who did the same thing - faked cancer. What do these people think? Obviously they don't think. That is the problem.
June 6, 2009 at 3:24 AM

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